NC Constitution Day Tea Party Rally 2013

Come on down! The 3rd annual North Carolina CONSTITUTION Day TEA Party Rally (aka GREAT GATHERING of the TEA Party) takes place on Saturday, September 28 from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm. Last years event was a huge success with hundreds in attendance thru out the day. We will be at the beautiful natural amphitheater called Jomeokee Park in Pinnacle, NC. It is 15 minutes north of Winston Salem and only a short distance off of Highway 52 at exit 129. There will be a lot of great things scheduled, a family oriented event, great music and just a great time to gather with other like minded individuals across the state and region. There is no cost to attend, it’s FREE!!! Did he say FREE? Yes, Yes he did! If your TEA/Conservative group or a vendor and would like to be a part of this event, please get in touch with us. Let’s make this the BIGGEST TEA Party event across the region and what better time to do it than during September, the month our forefathers signed the Constitution of the United States of America!

Tea Parties and like minded people from across America are invited to band together in a display of UNITY. Celebrate the 226th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution as we reaffirm the common goal to restore our founding principles to our Constitutional Republic. It’s all about freedom, liberty and one nation under God. A family friendly affair with music, speakers, faith and fellowship.


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