NC Judge Strikes Down voter ID and max tax rate

A single Democratic Wake County trial judge, Bryan Collins, tonight ruled that the entire North Carolina General Assembly was an unconstitutional usurper body for approximately 1 ½ years. The millions of votes cast by citizens and certified by the North Carolina Board of Elections could potentially be thrown out by one Democratic judge.

Collins issued his opinion in response to a lawsuit from the NAACP seeking to invalidate two constitutional amendments that passed by wide margins: one requiring photo identification when voting and the other decreasing the maximum allowable state income tax rate.

Although the ruling only directly invalidates the two laws that were challenged in the suit, under Judge Collins’s theory every act that we passed between June 5, 2017, and December 31, 2018, is invalid. Collins wrote, “An illegally constituted General Assembly does not represent the people of North Carolina,” and that “the General Assembly lost its claim to popular sovereignty.”

It appears that no court in the history of the United States has ever declared a state legislature to be an illegal body.

Collins does not appear to have included in his opinion whether the four million votes in support of voter ID and the income tax cap also represent the will of the people. The voter ID constitutional amendment passed with 55 percent of the vote; the tax cap constitutional amendment passed with 57 percent of the vote.

Collins also argued that his decision “will not cause chaos and confusion,” but I disagree.

We are duty-bound to appeal this absurd decision. The prospect of invalidating 18 months of laws is the definition of chaos and confusion. Based on tonight’s opinion and others over the past several years, it appears the idea of judicial restraint has completely left the state of North Carolina.

Senator Phil Berger

Understand yet? Your vote does not matter. What matters is a message.

Edited to add, remember this?

Tick. Tock.

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6 years ago

Interesting historical references to “message” . . .

The Taliban were quite successful in their use of night letters. But we shouldn’t because that would be wrong.

The blue hive used another method. Goose, meet gander. But then THEY might call us ugly names. We MUST keep the moral high ground. Or not.

In either case, TINVOWOOT. The frog pot is approaching warm.

a follower
a follower
6 years ago

Albert Einstein Quote? Many can take this either way.
This world will be chastised for sin, because of the evil ones. and yes silence in the face of evil may well be evil. We are to give warning. Wake up those we can.
This world will be changed (end of an age.) i do not believe we are to stop it, nor could we.,
i wonder at these comments and commentators often, what do you consider as “doing nothing?”
chances are you are wrong. i see the accusations, many times it is out of fear.
There are a lot of people online that are seeking vengeance etc. i hope we know this is wrong.
Some behave like they ‘can not wait’, (they are so eager to engage in the blood shed) time is of the essence and yet we should know and take comfort in the knowledge that the timing is His, and His alone.
What do we consider doing nothing? Many can not even begin to have a civil discussion, and yet they think we should bond together to kill, kill, kill.
Yes houston there is a huge disconnect.
Realised a few years ago how many, including myself use the fall back position of we can pray on this. A plan B of sorts. Well Plan B should have always been our plan A.
Until we make Him our Plan A and become followers we have no chance of being Leaders.

Old dude in Montana
Old dude in Montana
6 years ago

I highly recommend reading the”sling and the stone”by colonel Thomas X Jammed,USMC.on war in the 21 century.excellent history/how to/what does and doesn’t work in a nutshell…..Mao,Ho Chi Minh/VoNguyen, Intifada 1 etc all used the msm to manipulate the optics so that they looked like the underdog/ guerillas ever succeeded without 40percent of the country behind them.If you want to take action and you can’t get 1/2 the country behind you,physicaly and spiritually you will be made out to be a greater evil than the devil.for those who are men of action,this book is required reading.the Tim will come when people will think there doing GOD a favor by killing you/ wise.

6 years ago

What the F!