“NYPD Has a Plan to Magically Turn Anyone It Wants Into a Felon”

Pay attention to the ongoing transformation in the Socialist States of Amerikka:

“We need to make it clear that if someone lifts even a finger against a police officer, their life could be on the line,” Patrick Lynch of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association has advocated. That’s quite the threshold level for “justified” use of lethal force, is it not? How much less will be required for a “resisting” charge? Is it any wonder attitudes like this result in the “permitting” of a right that is reserved for the “right people”?

It’s consistent with a sense of entitlement actually bragged about by former mayor and longtime domestic enemy Michael Bloomberg, when he told an audience in a speech at MIT “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh largest army in the world.”


What remains to be seen is if a new paradigm being tested and adjusted to results in a new awakening sufficient to discourage someone lifting an iron fist against a citizen who is exercising his rights. This latest move by Bratton, with his variation on Star Trek’s Borg warning, “Resistance is futile,” may set the stage for seeing if that’s really so.

Reported by Examiner.Com

UPDATE: … logic puzzle related to story above …

Courtesy Blue’s Blog

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