“People don’t talk that way anymore.”

Reposted from Hans – June 21, 2011

Over the last three years, I’ve spent considerable time in study of the spirit of our Founders, the documents they wrote to commission our government, and the principles embodied in them.

On this journey, I’ve developed an appreciation for their choice of words and the structure of their writing. I’m feeling, however, that I am a member of a very small minority.

To give an example, consider Nicholas Cage’s character Ben Gates in the film National Treasure when he refers to the Declaration of Independence:

Inability to understand the language of Liberty has become a problem in our society.

I recently directed a polite email to every member of the NC Legislature which requested their support for legislation known as HB650. I used contemporary vocabulary and grammar from an example at GRNC:

Dear Representative:

HB 650, “Castle Doctrine and Amend Various Firearms Laws” has been thoroughly vetted by both the House and Senate now. It will come before you soon for a concurrence vote.

Please do the right thing for North Carolinians and support the right to effective self-defense by voting in favor of the final version of this Bill.

I will be watching the situation closely, and will follow progress via GRNC alerts.

Sincerely, Hans

I received a reply which also reflects contemporary language and structure.

As always, I will vote to advance the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens.


Rep. Jeff Collins

House District 25

16 W. Jones St. | Office 1006

Raleigh, NC 27601

I examined this reply. While it sounded good, it did not “feel” right.

First I took exception to the idea that HB 650 is an “advance”. It is in fact a remedy to encroachments by the State against the Individual.

Next I reacted to the phrase “Second Amendment rights”, as this phrase implies the Amendment grants a right rather than documents a pre-existing Right of Man.

Lastly I wrestled with the implication that rights only apply to “law abiding citizens”. In our system of “equal justice” the law is supposed to apply to all, not merely those who abide by it.

Then I considered how Jefferson and Madison argued, in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798, that unconstitutional law is no law at all. How might one apply concepts of Nullification and Interposition against NC State encroachments on a Natural Right of Man?

I tested the components in the statement made by Rep. Jeff Collins against the spirit, language and principles of our Founders.

The product of my reflection was a reply to Rep. Collins. My note was civil, but phrased in the style and language of Liberty, as influenced by my study of the Founders:

Sir, this is no “advance”. This is merely recovery from years of unlawful infringement by the State.

We abide the law when it is just, but not when it makes mockery of the founding principles of our country.

North Carolina has been guilty of criminalization of behaviors natural to free men.

I never surrendered my Rights, and don’t require a “2nd Amendment” to remind me I have them.

With Honor, Hans

How did Representative Collins react? It is clear from his response that he either does not understand the language of Liberty, or he is disdainful of those who speak it:

I am sorry if you took offense at my words. Let me make it simple so you can understand. I ALWAYS VOTE FOR GUN OWNER RIGHTS. Do you have anything sassy to say about that?

You might want to try sarcasm with those who differ with you, and learn not to insult those who vote the way you want them to and also have the courtesy to reply to you, even though you are not in my district.

With all respect due,


Rep. Jeff Collins

House District 25

16 W. Jones St. | Office 1006

Raleigh, NC 27601


It is noteworthy that Rep. Collins first checked to be certain I was not a member of his district, and then accused me of insulting him with a sassy and sarcastic message.

I wonder how Rep. Collins would have responded if he discovered that I was a voter in his district. I wonder how I would have responded if he was in my employ rather than yours.

I could have engaged him about his ill mannered response, but did not.

I took no offense from your initial response to my request for support of HB 650.

I speak directly and to the point. My statement informed you how I feel about State intrusion upon my Liberty.

I was not “sassy” and I did not use “sarcasm”. If I intended to insult you, trust me you would have no residual doubt.

No further response is required.


Do you expect better behavior from your NC Legislators?  I do!

But “people don’t talk that way anymore”.

I do!  I speak the language of Liberty.

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3 years ago

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”

No people do not talk like them and they do not believe in what they believed in then.

3 years ago

Whats this “asshole” politician doing now?

Fred Marron
Fred Marron
3 years ago


3 years ago

In order to destroy our culture, they must also destroy our language. The left has been working on that for years. Sometimes the changes are very subtle and sometimes not so subtle. I was watching Tucker last night and he showed a piece about this Marxist lawyer who referred to Mother’s Day as “Birthing Person’s Day!” I guess that’s what you say when you’re Woke!

3 years ago

I am not an English major but have always been a great reader and spent much of my career as a technical editor so I have kept up with the changes in language over many years. I’ve noticed that even the changes in idioms and popular phrases seem to reflect what’s occurring in the societal mind.
I felt the same when reading through the article. Politicians speak and write in a way to influence thinking so that voters continue their support. Their communications are highly stylized to evoke the correct response.
Communications to them from supporters is usually more specific which politicians use merely to note whether the communication is for or against a certain action.
When politicians are confronted with making a commitment to specific action or thought, they are affronted because someone has seen through the smokescreen of their highly stylized fabrications.

Dave Stephens
Dave Stephens
3 years ago

People failing to really master the language are a huge percentage of the simmering pot we’re in. The republic was neutered by the unlawful incorporations of 1860, which noone challenged nor rebutted. Ever since, we’ve been letting the CORPORATIONS presume power over us, because we couldn’t be bothered to learn. We can’t escape the simmering pot because we can’t get even 3% of us to read, comprehend, and act on the true facts researched by Anna Von Reitz. You people are bringing this on yourselves. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA is a CORPORATION, with no more lawful power over you than TOSHIBA or VOLKSWAGEN. Their bylaws are not law, their POLICE are nothing but misinformed policy enforcers violating their oaths thinking they’re law enforcement when they’re not. All they do is violate 18 USC 242, which they subjected themselves to. Not one of them is honorable, every last one of them is an oath breaking criminal committing piracy against their lawful masters, because none of you care to learn how to say I do not consent and per Basso versus Utah Power and Light I hereby challenge your absolute lack of required Personam Jurisdiction, which I never surrendered and never will, therefore, thanks to Res Judicata, you cannot cite bylaws to me, nor arrest me, without forfeiting the immunity you think you have, and subjecting yourself to 18 USC 241 plus triple damages as my lawful remedy.
This stuff works, the last time I was pulled over, I left with his apology instead of a citation. If it’s citation or arrest, take the citation, make a mark of duress in your signature, and invoke buyer’s remorse, plus since the officer doesn’t sign it, it’s a non-binding, unlawful, unilateral, presumptive adhesion “contract”, not a valid contract.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave Stephens

 act on the true facts researched by Anna Von Reitz.”
The lady who claims the US military tried to take her out with an earthquake!
She does present some Truths along with a boat load of crazy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave Stephens

The bottom line is that govt. is not an entity in and of itself, but is comprised of people. People who feel and desire to go home at the end of their shift. People who can be irreparably broken.
Maybe it’s time to break things.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago

Well said!
I have often argued/discussed with people the language of the 2nd and the debate in our society surrounding it (aka black rifles bad). In no uncertain terms it states, the government shall not make restrictions on arms.
Not one word of that text places restrictions on citizens. It instead clearly and unequivically states the government shall not restrict possession (keep and bear) weapons of any sort (arms). It doesn’t say “bolt action hunting rifles are ok”.
The nature of the debate has already placed us on the defensive. We are fighting their fight, not ours. We are wasting our time. You Sir, are on the right path.

3 years ago

When I was in High School in the mid-70’s Latin was the most popular “Foreign Language” offered, more kids than German, French and Spanish combined. What was known as “Classical Literature” was so popular that a lot of times, Rock, Paper, Scissors was played in the Library (silently, of course) for those Books.
After I graduated from High School, about 5 Years later, the ‘middle school’ (grades 7-8) was “Rebuilt”. The Demolition of the Old Building included taking all the older Library Books to the Dump. the (((school board))) Refused to save or Sell the Books.
The judeo-communist takeover of Education first ‘dumbed down’ Colleges, and then Grade Schools, 1-12. The level of Communications Skills and actual Literacy of the typical “high school graduate” is below what I was familiar with in 4th Grade.

Creating Stupid, Propagandized and Illiterate People is a Key Component of the judeo-communist Pogrom against the White, European Race. Read all about it in the ‘communist manifesto’ and the ‘zionist protocols’, among many other (((communist))) writings.