Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower, & author of “See Something, Say Nothing” has been assassinated.

Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower, & author of “See Something, Say Nothing” has been assassinated.
The mainstream media will say it was “suicide” if they mention it at all. He was found dead after missing for two days with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was due to get married in a month and said that he knew “something might happen to me”.
Dee and I were honored to have known him & interview him back in July 2016 a month after the release of his book. This is the podcast of our interview with him. Phil Haney comes on at the 1-hour mark.

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5 years ago

Bet Brennan had a hand in it….

5 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I would bet the farm

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

He will be missed. There is no way this man shot himself.