Sad State

What a horrible time in America —an inept leader in the White House and knot- headed Republicans nipping at his heels like a pack of annoying Chihuahuas. And like those pesky little dogs, they seemingly have no apparent talent other than barking.

Some thought that the pre-2015 Republicans had no plan —sadly they did. Their grand scheme was quite simple, they were content to merely sit on their thumbs and allow President Obama to flounder, and hoped to win enough seats in the legislature in November 2014 to control both houses of congress. He did and they did! The problem with this plan was that it had absolutely nothing to do with governing or dealing with the mammoth problems facing America, or curbing the president’s high-handed unconstitutional acts.

Once the new congress was seated their first order of business was to reelect one of Obama’s few friends as Speaker of the House. I suppose that there is something poetic about having the man who thinks he is king and the king of the cocktail hour running the Executive and the lower chamber of the bicameral congress respectively. The Republican House did not have the stomach to remove Boehner nor will they challenge Obama’s imperial orders in any meaningful way because they simply lack the ethical courage to do their job!

President Obama shot his wad on the Syria issue and lost any international credibility and respect he may have had when he reneged on his “line in the sand” stance which amounted to nothing more than meaningless rhetoric. “And then is heard no more: it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” Shakespeare/Macbeth The real world is merely a giant extension of a school playground —once you threaten someone on the playground and then back down, you have lost all credibility and respect. Better to simply keep your mouth shut if you don’t have the cojones to back up the threat.

With the foregoing in mind, Obama has now removed any doubt regarding his lack of resolve to take on Islamic terrorism. He has now adopted a policy of “strategic patience” which is Obamaspeak for “Were going to sit on our thumbs and pass this mess on to the next president.” Actually Obama can be forgiven his reluctance and passive nature toward radical Islam. His formative years were spent in Muslim schools where he was indoctrinated into that religious and social culture. In addition, his father was a radical Kenyan who blamed colonialism for all the ills of Africa. So Obama’s view of Islam was implanted at an early age as was his deep- seated resentment towards the United States and other world powers.

People who took the time to understand Obama knew of course that he was a neophyte, ideologue, and an apologist for socialist issues, and attempted to tell the electorate — but to no avail. Given a mixture of whites wanting to feel good about themselves by voting for a black and the “gimme” crowd which have little interest in anything other than grabbing free government goodies for themselves – Obama got eight years in the people’s house. Actually Obama has nothing in common with the average American black person unless they have: one white parent, one African Muslim parent, and grew up in Indonesia – of course he had no control over his parentage or upbringing.

Some people claim that President Obama doesn’t understand the threat imposed by radical Islam or the current ISIS/ISIL movement. Nothing could be further from the truth – he understands, but he is unwilling to confront the problem in any meaningful way. Obama is one part pacifist and one part Pollyanna. Like Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister in the late 1930s, he believes that appeasement is the answer to the Islamic problem. And he seems convinced that if the Middle East will just find something interesting for the poor and disenfranchised to do, they will stop burning folks and cutting off their heads. And he puts a twist on the Pollyanna syndrome by always finding someone or some circumstance to blame, other than himself, when his grand visions don’t culminate in a fairy tale ending.

When I look at our current leadership in Washington, DC my thoughts turn to the TV show Schitt’s Creek. We are up that creek and unfortunately we don’t have a paddle or anyone to handle the rudder.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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10 years ago

First off -- I am no fan of Obama..

Most understand the ugliness of any of these jihadist groups BUT they are
many and everywhere within the Middle East and N. Africa..
The media has been pounding the battle cry for more troops in the Middle East
and ESPECIALLY Syria -- some have the courage to admit they want to eliminate
Assad (another dictator gone to be replaced by what)

How did the Arab Spring work out….thank NATO, Hillary and McCain!!

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
10 years ago

I do believe that Bill did the best summary of Obama and Congress that I have ever read to date !
Great Job !

J Marshalek
J Marshalek
10 years ago

What I find amazing is that Obama came out of nowhere to be elected President. Think about the sea change that has occurred in Presidential politics in the last 20 years. Bill Clinton was hammered by the press for smoking a joint. Now, no one cares about the character of the men and women who are in office. These people represent what is evil in our society today.