SCOTUS commentary by Kent McManigal …

The Supreme Courtjesters got it wrong

2-3 minutes

The Supreme Courtjesters have ruled that New York state political criminals can’t require people who seek one of their concealed carry licenses to show “special need” or “proper cause” to get the license.


That’s better than what might have happened, but of course, they still got it wrong. As they tend to do as government supremacists, which they all are.

It’s not that New York should make it easier to get a license, it’s that licensing a natural human right is wrong. It’s just evil. No one has a right or the political “authority” to do that to anyone, for any reason, under any circumstances, ever.

The people don’t need a license, and the Supreme Courtjesters just– once again– supported the erroneous position that they do, and that government is there to grant (or deny) permission for an act which needs no such permission.

As I pointed out to an acquaintance decades ago, the Supremes will NEVER rule to force states to actually obey the clear language of the Second Amendment because it goes too hard against “government interests”. They’ll always allow some illegal violations of the natural human right to own and to carry weapons, just because that supports the power of the gang they belong to. They might make some minor tweaks to remove a little bit of power from the state when they can’t see a way out, but they’ll never actually be honest about the issue. They always leave some breathing room for tyranny, and that’s exactly what they did with this opinion. They proved me right, again.

And you just watch: states will find a way to weasel out of obeying the law anyway. Probably using that breathing room.

Yeah, I know. “No one” would v*te to support such a radical idea as taking away ALL the power of government to legislate about guns. Funny… I’ve never believed my liberty is subject to the opinion of an ignorant mob anyway. Liberty is not extreme– that descriptor fits those who seek to destroy liberty on an altar to the state.

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gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

Wow! Do I know a list of “government” legislators who need to read this! Each legislator, no matter how sincere sooner or later gets into the rhythm of believing that their “vote” or amendment is paramount to perfecting our “system”. It is not an intellectual knee jerk reaction; it is an ego necessity. We don’t “need” the majority of the laws or licenses or agencies. Still, it is essential that we remind the officials and ourselves that human “rights” are not derived from the same source as licenses or public policy and should never be treated as such. I don’t believe Harvard teaches this any longer as their Law School long since became an agent for radical and quick social change. This is a commentary I will certainly pass along.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

What we need is a group of men that actually understand what liberty is and want to live as free men. That is all we need. The rest will resolve itself.

Oh and by group, I mean bigger than 10, 50 or 100 men.

These edict mean nothing to me. They have no real power over me anymore. They are evil people that will be dealt with one way or another. In the end they can kill me (my time and death is already written), but the blood of Jesus has already taken care of that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I guess I am just an old curmudgeon, as it thrills my rotten little heart to see the liberal’s heads explode, at the Idea, that the CCP’s is protected by the second amendment and there is no protection in the constitution to a abortion!

2 years ago

Bypassing the Feral Gov is the or an answer. Using the Constitutional Amendments 2, 9, 10, 14 to name a few; State Governments are Free to Enact Constitutional Carry as many states have already done.
Sure this leaves some citizens Out, while living in ProgreSSive States, but nothing is perfect, and they can/could relocate to a Constitutional Carry State.
The States are going to splinter away from the United Feral Dominated States,imo. Why would We want to stay in such a irredeemably corrupted evil empire?
Irreconcible Differences=Divorce, in my universe. I don’t remain in an intimate personal relationship with someone who shares None of my values. Same goes for larger relationships, especially when they seek to Dominate and Suppress me.
Withdrawing any allegiences is the 1st step, mentally then physically.

Last edited 2 years ago by GenEarly
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

GenEarly --

I enjoy your cogent comments. You are “spot on” more often than not.

Please let me nit-pick one point with you. Do not encourage people to use the “Reconstruction” amendments in arguments intended to address injustice in our world … in this thread, you promoted use of the 14th Amendment.

Specific issues regarding the 14th Amendment: (1) the Amendment was never formally ratified according to the rules then governing ratification; (2) the Amendment “incorporated” the Bill of Rights to diminish the legislative and judicial sovereignty of the several States, accelerating the replacement of Federalism with Nationalism; and (3) the Amendment has been used by activist courts as justification for the discovery of many “positive rights” which are at the very center of the Progressive agenda.

As I stated above, your comments are cogent and I appreciate your contribution.

2 years ago

Some folks are just sore winners.

2 years ago

A license is not required to be a journalist. If so, he could lose his license for having an “extremist” thought. That would violate the first amendment. What’s the difference?

Elder Son
2 years ago

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2 years ago

just ignore any illegal gun laws the Biden Marxists come up with and the 15 rinos who helped the demonrats , just ignore completely. and you are correct we don’t need no permits or any papers, its written into our constitution and bill of rights, this is all government control by the black robed demon entities controlled by the wicked and evil demon party.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
Francis W. Porretto
2 years ago

It’s not that New York should make it easier to get a license, it’s that licensing a natural human right is wrong. It’s just evil

Just imagine if you had to buy a license to exercise your First Amendment rights, or your Fourth, or your Fifth. Just imagine if the cops were to come to your door and say “We’re going to search your house for drugs.” You might protest that they have a warrant and you have the right to the privacy of your home under the Fourth Amendment. The head cop might reply, “But you didn’t buy a license for it!”

2 years ago

Nor will they ever issue a ruling with an honest interpretation of the Tenth Amendment, which would shred federal power, including their own.