Senate committee approves assault weapons ban … Dying Time

Excerpt from the text at FOX News:

“I’d like to see everybody doing more,” bill sponsor Feinstein said Wednesday when asked if she’d like more assistance from President Obama. “Yes, absolutely, we need help. We have the 800-pound gorilla out there” — a reference to the potent National Rifle Association.

Obama made an assault weapons ban part of the gun curbs he proposed in January, a month after a shooter with an assault rifle killed 20 first-graders and six educators at a school in Newtown, Conn. Feinstein and others have argued that such firearms are used in a disproportionate number of mass shootings and shouldn’t be available to civilians.

Yet we know that “such firearms are used in a disproportionate number of mass shootings” is a blatent lie.

So we need to resign ourselves that the inevitable is near.  Are you prepared for the …

Dying Time

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It is dying time.For the better part of a month I have been deliberating on this fact; coming to grips with the implications of it. The powers who exercise control will ultimately come to kill us. The longer we object to their domination, the more surely they will devise a way to eliminate those who recognize them as the enemy.

The wave of gun legislation moving through the legislatures of the states is not without complicity with the federal government. What the federal government cannot expect the whole House or Senate to agree to, they have encouraged individually through the states with some success. The result is simply citizen disarmament through any means, which is an act of war against the rights of the people. Those who see their rights being violated and have the nerve to resist have become the enemy of the politician.

It is a long list now, that of rights being violated by the federal government. There is no right left in the Bill of Rights that have not come under attack by governments the nation wide. Governments at best are a tolerable evil, but when they focus their police powers against the people and their rights, they have crossed the line from tolerable evil to intolerable evil.

The soldier knows when it is time to die. It is determined by men who do not have to suffer the consequences. It is determined by circumstances created by those who gain from it. Politicians do not fear war as the people do. They are safe. They make the policies; they create the conditions. It is left to the people to decide when they have gone too far.

They have gone too far.

Those entrusted with the finances of this great nation have squandered it and bankrupted the treasury. Those entrusted with the rights of the people have violated them. Those entrusted with the security of the state have forsaken it.

They are traitors.

The proof of this fact lies with the states themselves, many of whom have rejected violations of the Second Amendment with declarative statements, recognizing the violations of the Constitution being proposed elsewhere. Individual sheriffs have openly disavowed these laws and have sworn to ignore them.

It is logical to me that when faced with overwhelming odds by militarized police forces; with means of infiltration and observation never before encountered by a free people, there is only one means of resistance: the development of squads.

This is sheer tactical hypothesis, mind you.

When thinking over the necessary resistance, given the constraints achieved by over-zealous government agencies increasingly violating the rights of citizens to privacy and effects; breaking down doors without warrants; tazing and shooting citizens without cause simply because they have secured permission from corrupt judges and manipulated courts, squads are the only effective maneuver left to the citizen who understands the stakes of the game.

A squad would consist, theoretically, of perhaps four people. It is necessarily intimate to limit exposure and limit the extent of conspiracy should any of the three or four be arrested. Of the three or four, there would be a medic to treat wounds suffered during any action. There would be a qualified marksman, a spotter and a driver. Any of the four might be combined if only three were in agreement.

The squad would pick a target, not necessarily human, that would impact the effect of government abuse, either in a physical way, or to make a political statement.

Since this communication is for education alone, it is open for suggestion as to a better mix of personnel, qualifications, responsibilities or size.

I await your responses.

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11 years ago

I am in hope you are incorrect. There can not be any kind of business as usual for the people of North Carolina. While this committee is heavier Democan than they are Republicrat they are all still Congressional Critters. We have seen the do things for the good of the American Citizens that send them money before.
while I am not usually a supporter of letter writing here is my suggestion .
Lets all sit at our desks with pen in hand (remember the pen is always mightier than the sword!) and send a letter of refusal to the powers that be. Since we are already at the front of the list of known terrorists what can it hurt.
We simply in our own words, so none can say we were duped or coerced to send a preprinted form letter, spell it out in simple non lawyer english.
We state in the header of the letter that:

“Notice to the agent is notice to the principal, and notice to the principal is notice to the agent”.

This is a century old maxim of law so that they can’t claim not to receive the notice based upon your green card returned from their office. If they refuse the letter it is the same as if they did with the receipt.
We state that in following the letter of the Constitution for the united States of America as adopted in 1789 do hereby over our personal signature refuse to obey any legislation which in any way violates the english word interpretation of this supreme document of our nations laws. That we (I) do call upon my elected representatives and those elected to enforce the laws of our State, County, and local municipalities to accept this letter as my declaration of my intentions.

Signed by: this is your name with all correct spelling (Capital letter 1 and lower case following letters of each word in name and title if any)
Then send this letter using registered mail with green card receipt to:
1-Mayor of our municipality
2-Chief of police of our Municipality
3-Chairman of the County/ Commonwealth commission
4-Sheriff of the county/ Commonwealth
5-Governor of the State
6-Commander of the State militia
7-Commander of the State National Guard
8-President of the United States Corporation
9-Chairman of the Joint chiefs of staff
10-President of the Senate pro-Tem
11-Speaker of the House of Representatives
Each letter will cost about $1.41 to mail at the post office. Keep your receipts for proof you informed them. (11 times 1.41= $15.51 or less than a cse of Beer or a Box of bullets but leaves plenty for those later)
Thus you have personally negated any possibility that your elected felons in your name have accepted some deal to agree to the legislation either by voting for it, or by failing to cast a vote against the legislation.
If they then violate your orders as We the People they have actively committed fraud.
What if the all received 400 letters from every state?

If they have any fear of the people this should either get them off the mark and on the battlefield where we are in superior numbers, or in line with our wishes.
Just in case lets still clean old betsy (not the cow)

11 years ago

no surprise remember( wounded knee) their rights were taken , and so will ours if we keep letting it slide. probably will still be gone regardless.