Something I Feel Needs To Be Said

Well, it was a good experiment. It fostered the greatest engine of innovation and advancement in human history. Our poor, by world standards, aren’t poor at all and the average American is ,by world standards, very prosperous. There were troubles to be sure but by the standard of history the former US was the best nation the world has ever seen.

The devil is in the details it is said and rightly so. By allowing such a free and open society we inadvertently allowed Collectivism to get a foothold and fester … spread. Like a cancer it turns productive cells into unproductive malignant foreign bodies bent on changing everything into their kind.

Most Americans desired to just be left alone and in turn left others alone … and this is the Achilles Heel of Individualism. By their nature, Individualists leave people to believe and promote whatever they desire, even if it is pure evil and detrimental to the entire society. Even cancer.

How many times have you heard “I might not agree with what you say but I’ll die to protect your right to say it”? It’s a paradox. Certain men have weakness that makes the idea of Collectivism attractive and by letting those ideas move freely in society we allow cancer to do what cancer does and are loathe to end it because we believe the individual should be free to choose their own pursuits. It is almost a forgone conclusion that this will eventually ruin the body. It is fairly easy to define crimes of action or even omission but thought crimes or belief crimes are the slipperiest of slopes. 

Collectivism by nature does not allow for free thought and does not allow people to have their own ideas nor profess beliefs if they are contrary to the prevailing groupthink. The factions of Collectivism don’t often war with each other or go after each other but tend to always be furthering the spread. They join forces to move the Overton Window regardless of the nuances of their particular brand of Socialism/Communism. The only arguments among them seem to revolve around who is the more progressive, who is pushing the window hardest. In their disagreements there is barely a hiccup in the overall goal of simply not allowing Liberty to survive.

In contrast, Individualists attack the slightest nuances of Individualism among their brothers. Freedom-centric people die on tiny hills to be true to their absolute ideas of what constitutes Liberty. Factions war and fight each other over minutiae which allows the steady march of the collective to gain ground without ceasing. Much more time is spent fighting our own rather than the enemy.

Collectivists cannot leave people alone to pursue what they will unless it furthers Collectivism. You cannot coexist as a free man with this ideology. The nature of it is to assimilate all and not allow dissent. The two ideologies are wholly incompatible. 

When allowed to exist, the ideology of Collectivism always will overtake Individualism. You cannot let a cancer exist in the body with the idea that it has a right to do what cancer does. This of course brings up all manner of questions. What or who is to determine what the clear line of collectivism is? What are the implications of Individualists doing things contrary to the mantra of leaving others alone by rooting out and ending certain beliefs that will hurt the body? The slippery slope is apparent and I would not trade the cancer of Collectivism for the danger of runaway witch hunts but I know that some would.

A paradox.

Where does this leave us? 

The very prosperity we have enjoyed by and large for over two centuries has made it possible for men’s thoughts to wander into the siren song of Socialism. By allowing free and open thought, the good and the evil ideas of men are both given equal chance to flourish but evil, by its nature, never stops or sleeps. It is completely averse to Individualists to destroy other’s own ability to choose their beliefs … even beliefs that will ultimately destroy our body. To stamp out other’s beliefs leads us toward the very Collectivism we hate … but to allow them to exist will ultimately destroy it all.

I don’t have a definitive solution and to my knowledge no one else has one with any chance of success. Anyone who longs for a civil conflict is at best ill informed but an Individualist not willing to fight to prevent slipping into the darkness of Global Communism is a coward. Those hoping to just sit it out neutrally will be chaff. The horrors of such a conflict cannot possibly be fully understood without experiencing them and I ,while willing, am loathe to gain the knowledge of it. Is there a large enough will in those desiring to simply be left alone to bring absolute war to the collective? Don’t answer with simple bravado, genuinely consider that question.

What comes after? There are even odds on the after being worse than the now. This 4th turning does not guarantee an outcome, only the fight itself is promised and not even the size and scope of that fight can be known. 

We surely are living in interesting times.


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3 years ago

I just wish this “Wake up call” was something that was available to more “asleep at the wheel” like myself. I had very little clue how corrupt it all was, i knew..but VERY little compared to now what i know.
That being said, if nobody tries and we just continue on this path….Well, We will surely end up slaves under a worse and worse master, until we are the third world Country.
I know that we will have to be willing to die, if that means getting the true awakening started or splitting up land and states maybe…idk! i just feel there has to be a better way than everyone stuck under same leaders, with SO many different beliefs. This is the part where it gets very confusing when speaking about a “hard reset”..
As Lt.Col Scheller has said many times “#EveryGenNeedsARevolution”
We seem to be at that crossroads now.
I am not a hero or ex-mil, luckily for them I’ll say.
I am part of WE THE PEOPLE though, and that makes me a soldier for our Constitutional rights.
This won’t end in the court’s, the elections or any gov meetings. I think we can all agree on that. So, now what

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

“What” has been replaced by “When” and it’s soon. Be Ready.

Jo Brown
Jo Brown
3 years ago

I hate to say it but I think the USA is finished as we once knew it. I’m Canadian and have loved the US for a very long time studying the history of the US very passionately through Civil War books and WWII books and tons of other things American centric. My dad fought in WWII and was a fighter pilot. In one battle he shot down FOUR German fighter planes he was that good. About a year later he was shot down over Africa by anti aircraft fire and very fortunately survived but spent three and a half years in POW camps all across Germany. He was in the Great March across Germany, was in THE Great Escape and actually escaped from four different POW camps. He was a great man and a great father. Dad died about ten years ago and even back then he told me days before he died “I’m glad to be getting out of here because the world is falling apart and I don’t like what’s coming!” Imagine if he was alive today! Traitor/pedophile (just like his son Hunter) Joe Biden DID NOT WIN THE ELECTION! It was stolen for him just like Traitor Gavin Newsome had the election stolen for him. Our Traitorous “leader” Justanass Turdeau had his election stolen for him up here in Canada and in different provinces, leaders who were supposed to have been ‘conservative” were elected and within days to weeks completely FLIPPED from their campaign promises for no masks and no vaccine mandates to EXACTLY what their liberal opponents had been pushing! I don’t know exactly why but have to ask the questions… did Soros, Fauci, Kill Gates, Satan Klaus Schawb types of people ENRICH THEM with millions of dollars to get them to do the tyranny they are presently doing OR… were their families threatened with murder etc to make them change their minds?!?All I know is this AIN’T the world I grew up in and I have never in my life seen people succumb to the tyranny that is everywhere today. There is no way Trump was defeated legally! Hundreds of thousands if not millions followed and cheered him on through the election and only hundreds of idiots cheered on Traitor Biden through the whole election so there is no way Biden won it legally! He can’t even read properly let alone think! There is a plot initiated by the Billionaire TRAITORS of the world to exterminate humanity and what stuns me is that so many people have been fooled by these narcissistic, Satanic, traitorous, God hating, Christian hating, Humanity hating people so they don’t even question what’s going on. The kids today are being taught by Communist teachers everywhere and they know nothing about critical thinking or what it was like to grow up in a true God fearing country and to be able to think things through and come up with an answer that actually reflects what is going on. They know nothing and are taking that ”nothing” with them in the jobs they do (or don’t do) and in to the political arena when they go in that direction. They are in effect Braindead just like Biden and they are going to be the leaders in a short time. Scary as hell!!!
When you see people moving ten to twenty feet away from you while walking on the sidewalk OUTSIDE in the fresh air and they pull their masks over their face you know THINGS ARE TOTALLY SCREWED UP!! I am very sad to say that I fear America is finished. I fear it will never recover from Hitlary and Bill Clinton, Barack and MICHAEL (Not Michelle: he was a MALE football player when he was young) O’BUMMER, and now Braindead Biden! Barry O’bummer WASN’T EVEN BORN IN AMERICA AND I KNEW THAT BEFORE HE WON THE FIRST TIME and I’m Canadian! ANYONE NOT BORN IN AMERICA CANNOT BE ELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF THE USA! They have to be American born and he WAS NOT AMERICAN BORN!!! And he was elected twice! So there is so much criminality going on all through the city, state and federal elections it is mind numbing! The pedophilia that is going on with elected members of all these different governments is beyond measure and Americans are not standing up against all those filthy, immoral and illegal things so how can things change when THE PEOPLE do nothing to hold their “leaders” accountable??? Gavin Newsome did not win again! He stole the election. He is a traitor, pervert, pedophile maniac and never should have gotten back in again. It’s absolutely stunning that he got back in. He’s a criminal and so much more worse, just like Fauci (supreme traitor Jesuit AntiChrist) so I have to say so regrettably that I think looking at everything over the last twenty years… the USA is finished and will never be the country it used to be unless tens of millions upon millions of Americans stand up and fight for their constitution which is being stolen from them one day at a time by all these aforementioned TRAITORS! It’s a Total shame!

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Jo Brown

I believe that patriotic Americans will eventually rise, fight the good fight and utterly defeat our enemies. Historically, we Americans are slow to anger and even slower to action. But when we are finally driven to the point of desperation and righteous rage, and we are almost there now, there will be pure hell to pay for the treacherous bastards that are now destroying our beloved republic. In fact, I almost feel sorry for them.
God bless you and yours.

daryl snowden
daryl snowden
3 years ago

War or no war a lot of us are going to die either way. You can die a slow miserable cowardly death from their poison or stand and fight and take some of them with you when you go down. I choose the latter and there’s no bravado in it.

3 years ago

Nothing physical lasts forever, so if we fight and can restore a republic as Ben Franklin said and it lasts another 200 years then that’s all we can ask or do. It’s up to Us, no government is going to solve this. It must be created anew.

3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

I’m not optimistic that we have enough smart people to “create anew” a culture of liberty.

Restoration of the Republic is pointless so long as any degree of political collectivism is tolerated. I’m less concerned with voluntary collectivism as I’ve never seen an Ashram, monastic order, or Amish community that had aspirations to rule its’ neighbors.

By political collectivism I mean any form of coerced transfer payment used to build or operated infrastructure … from roads and schools, to police and military, up to and including government bureaucracy and social welfare programs.

Libertarians almost have the right idea, but most are willing to play “min-archist” and allow the funding of some form of “essential services” … the camels’ nose into the tent.

Like I said, I don’t think we have enough smart people …

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Hans

What is smart ?
If a meek, moral, humble man appeared, would the people follow or appreciate? Or do they still seek an Barabbas?
Individuals are free, throughout !

3 years ago

By placing your attention on the adjective, you are deflecting from the substantive component in my comment.

In the context of your inquiry, consider “smart” as one who truly understands the evil of immoral secular government and refuses to restore, or install a replacement of, the same kind.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

The republic ended with Lincoln’s invasion of the southern states.
Who is John Galt?

3 years ago

The answer to this lies in being able to govern during peacetime. Looking at some movies such as “Troy” the warfare was one city-state coming against another due to a king being insulted, for instance, and not because they were deteriorating from within, i.e., gender being defunct, sick, weak, fat and otberwise physically deteriorating people, chemicals and poisons in their food and water supplies, or being monitored to stay six feet away from each other due to flu-like illness. There was cultural cohesion among men and women within their own groups, and in terms of greater societal functioning (accepted standards). One hard reason; satanists study and understand culture, and work that to enact policies and laws that benefit their own. Most christians, cultural christians by extension, conservatives, many independent thinkers and apolitical persons, professionals, persons of skilled labor, and much of the lower economic class (commonly known as the ‘foundational class’) are no foundation at all, but rather fragmented, alienated individuals from many petspectives), largely steeped in cultural submission throughout their lives (think the churches, which tend to influence individuals over a lifetime), and other countries are well aware of this weakness. The people are now very much in a position to disrespect their country, one that didn’t deliver on the economic and educational points with regard to the social contract. Quite simply, a dumbed-down and uninterested public is not equipped in actualizing constitutional efficacy, nor in maintaining a constitutional republic due to the high level of upkeep required (not being conditioned for it).

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago

I think the following tells us much.
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left alone.”
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life hat will come from it.
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment “The men who wanted to be left alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be…
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.  TRUE TERROR will arrive at the Left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy…but it will fall upon deaf ears.
Author Unknown 
Of course this applies to some women I know, as well.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

As I was reading the subject article, It made me think of the Parable of the Weeds as taught by Jesus. I thought of the “field” mentioned in the parable as America at the time of its founding -- where “good seed” was sown. I thought of the “weeds” that were sown in the parable as the collectivists mentioned in the article. I thought of the “wheat” in the parable as the “good seed” that was sown or the individualists mentioned in the article. Yes, it would seem that the age old battle between good and evil is coming to its foretold and prophetic climax. And not only is it being fought on a spiritual level, but I believe we are now entering the “end times” when it will be fought on the physical level as well. Judging from what I see happening throughout the world today, it believe that the “harvest” time mentioned in the parable below is now upon us. Let us “fight the good fight” -- spiritually, and if need be, physically, God’s blessings on all His people everywhere. Amen..The Parable of the Weeds24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
Matthew 13;24-29

3 years ago

It’s good to see you writing again, though I am surprised.
You are correct, that we are facing the enemy of collectivism, though it bears many names, and individualism or “republican” not as a party, but the idea of a republic cannot withstand its onslaught.
Like you, I have no solution. Retreating to better pastures and hoping it passes by you, yours, and your grandchildren is not a solution, either. It’s bigger than both or all of us and takes on a collective zeitgeist of its own.
As our mutual friend keeps asking on this blog, what are you going to do about it and unfortunately the answer is there is nothing any individual can do. It’s bigger than that.
Enjoy your trip west, and enjoy the time with your friend.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
3 years ago

It’s good to see you still writing !

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

i agree! Good morning Will.

3 years ago

The philosophy of libertoonyism has pervaded the blightwing since the Marxist victory in WWII. This was because libertoonyism was the only philosophy permitted to the Right. There is a reason for this. Libertoonyism is inherently divisive. Since WWII, the Right has been kept in an inherently weak, divided condition. And we’ve been getting our Libertoon/Republican asses kicked on a routine basis since that time.

Yet the traditional nuclear family is a “collectivist” unit. Most of us are going to learn -- the hard way -- that some forms of collectivism are preferrable to other forms. It is time to get a clue.

Last edited 3 years ago by Oldtradesman
3 years ago

Who is Gordon Van Zandt?

Last edited 3 years ago by Patriot389