Sound Thoughts

Many would say that I am the cooler head in a group. Many would say I am less inclined to speak openly of resistance because ABC reads everything. Yet, here we are.

Emotions don’t think ahead. Oh sure they can get shit done but recklessness isn’t a plan. Don’t let your anger or revenge over ride your judgement. Carry, everywhere and all the time. Have a bandanna and if possible eyewear. If semi-auto be sure magazines are loaded with gloves as policing brass won’t be an option. Have a plan to dump clothes. Have an exfil plan as number one. Shoot and scoot, don’t stick around. If caught in a riot or if being chased, do the needful and GTFO RFN. Don’t go looking for trouble (that requires another mindset and assets) but if trouble finds you don’t believe the system is on your side. It isn’t. This is a time for clear thoughts and decisive action if and only if forced. To quote and remember the coolest of heads we ever read, ‘ol Remus, stay away from crowds.

But if the crowd insists, make them into believers.

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3 years ago

Good advice.

3 years ago

If possible use a brass catcher….make sure it functions with you weapon BEFORE spicy time starts. Wear a hat….with a brim. Wear tinted glasses/sunglasses, an spicy time is THE time when it IS appropriate to wear that mask they insist on. And finally….leave your cell phone at home. They can track a phone even if it’s turned off.

Arthur Sido
3 years ago

Always good advice: don’t be stupid and also good advice: stop thinking the system will work if you get jammed up.

3 years ago

then it gets to the point that those picking up brass aren’t investigating but recycling. The thin blue line is very thin once past the federales, but it can get to the point even the federales go to ground.
This is a “governable” country because We the People consent to being governed by The Constitution. When that goes down beyond debate then the consent to be governed thingy also goes down and away.
As it should. UnConstitutional Polezi have no legitimate authority other than “a man with a gun”.

3 years ago

Yessir! If you haven’t yet thought about any of these things…well, you might want to watch some of those crime scene investigation shows. I see a lot of contractor types seem to shave every hair, i am assuming that one little leg hair falls off at a “crime scene” for example, Its just one less worry for them.
Probably A LOT we should start adding to this list.
Advice from anyone w/mil training is appreciated. We are definitely at war, our government wants us in a GREAT RESET, depression or dead. That video also tells me that our enemies are coming sooner now. I try to think about when the U.N. comes in to “make arrest/detain” people, how i would react… what if they tell us “we are here for traitors in your gov, come with us for now” ?
Who all could it be that could pose as U.N. troops even, Maybe Russians, Chinese, Iranian, Afghanistan and Mexican immigrants will be dressed as U.N. officials for all we know. Who knows.. i am still confused by people saying “the U.N. would be sending in troops if out of control” is that even true?
After watching Glenn Beck video, i have a feeling the breaking point is very near.
G👀gle would never let that vid stay up, unless they knew “THE STORM” was coming. That is my thoughts.
I am just pointing out some scenarios that ran through my mind , and wonder how i would handle them should they happen. Maybe that scenario is actually BS though, i just don’t know what to trust anymore…
PREPARE FOR WAR! I know to trust that gut feeling

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Blue helmets make good targets.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
3 years ago

There is no if, only when. It is going to be Biblical, we should endeavor to act in accordance with His instruction.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Hanna

The time for last minute prepping is now.

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
3 years ago

Hair salons will dump bags of hair clippings in the dumpster. Collect them and scatter them around -- that would leave hundreds of DNA samples -- which might confuse “investigators.” Would that be wrong?
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny

3 years ago

Pick up brass from a local range if possible…..especially if LEO use that range. Spread it around at spicy time locations…..muddy the waters all you can.