“Sustainable” == Government Approved

A lot has been written about how progressives re-define words to make their agenda seem acceptable to people who aren’t paying close attention.

The label “sustainable development”, in context of Agenda 21, is an example of such re-definition.

To be sustainable, according to the U.N. definition, development must have no negative environmental impact. This requirement demands a monitor of development activity and a judgment made to determine whether the activity results in a negative environmental impact. This monitor and judge is necessarily some entity empowered by government. Development that fails to meet these requirements is, by definition, not sustainable. Development that meets these requirements is declared by government to be sustainable.

Therefore, sustainable development is government-approved development.

In the context of sustainable development, any activity government describes as sustainable must be a government-approved activity. Sustainable agriculture, despite the fact that agriculture has been practiced sustainably since biblical days, must now be government-approved to enjoy the sustainable label. Government has now applied the word sustainable to communities, which means that for a community to be sustainable it must be government-approved.

Full Story ‘Sustainable Development’ Explained 

Look carefully at the Venn diagram above and you will see “social justice” (fairness) as the intersection between Economic Development and Social Progress.  Lots of other progressive messages are coded in the diagram.

 The author of the article referenced above has devoted considerable energy to educate and lobby on behalf of freedom:

A wise and wonderful old grey-haired philosopher once said, “you never get ahead by always being against.” It is time that Americans who love “the land of the free” get ahead. To do so, we need to not only be “against” those policies which infringe freedom; we must also advance those principles which ensure our freedom. Freedom 21 is an effort to identify, celebrate, and reinstate those principles into public policy at every level of governance.

Read about Henry Lambs’ initiative at Freedom21

Freedom21 is the manifestation of the belief that American society operates best when it is founded upon these principles:

  • People have inherent, natural, unalienable rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness – the foundations of sovereignty. 
  • Governments exist expressly to protect these rights. 
  • Governments derive power from the consent of the governed, to protect these rights. 
  • Public policies which constrain people’s rights must be enacted only by representatives elected by the people. 
  • Constitutionally limited government is the best form of government. 
  • That government is best which governs least. 
  • No foreign government shall supersede the authority of the government of the United States of America. 

These principles were identified, debated, and adopted by the people who attended the first annual National Freedom21 Conference, July 9-12, 2000, in St. Louis, Missouri. Freedom21’s mission is to advance these principles in public policy at every level of government.

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