Technology for the State-less Nation …

Reposted from A Little Rebellion


March 12, 2015

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Peter Alexander
Peter Alexander
9 years ago

3.13.15 This sounds much like new worldorder and is compicated rather than simple. We need to restore our Constitutional form of government and citizens need to get engaged and assure accountability for every aspect of government and private relations and commerce. This sounds like a plan to create something that will make a few rich and the rest dependent on the “cloud” to secure our data and lives.

We citizens/soldiers of liberty need to assume responsibilty for ourselves and simplify rather than further complicate our lives, governance, etc. Peace, Peter ~

9 years ago

This technology certainly introduces change into the world, but hardly “A New World Order in the sense of another layer of government. I believe iNation and BitNation are precisely the opposite.

While constitutionalists massage their One Ring (… one government to bind them), the technology proposed in this article makes possible alternate providers of general services previously available only through government or church.

Remember: free market & competition = good … coercive monopoly = bad.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Very true, Hans, and with a truly limited government, they will have less use for the ‘data’ they store. “By design” didn’t work, so next time around we should definitely make it a “mandate, backed by fear of death” that they not use or information against us, or ever collect any information without our active consent and participation.

This opens the door for a return to simplicity… But we have to put their backs up against the wall to get there.

Tally Ho, I say!