The 4th Estate

The media in the United States has often been referred to as the fourth branch of government or 4th estate. The foundering fathers envisioned the media as fulfilling the role of illuminating the abuses to the democratic process. Unfortunately, today the media at large has become a liberal- based ideologue which frames the news as opposed to reporting the news.

In the case of the Martin/Zimmerman incident, the media framed the conversation the way that they wanted it to appear. A cub reporter could have dug out the correct information needed for the public to make an informed decision, but they choose instead to ignore the truth and fabricate their own version.

• All the photos showed Trayvon Martin as a sweet innocent kid in his early teens. He was in fact nearly 18 — more than six feet tall — trained in mixed martial arts fighting — and was a troubled young man.

• The media informed us that Trayvon was guilty of nothing more innocuous than carrying ice tea and Skittles. Trayvon actually had Arizona watermelon cocktail and Skittles – which are 2/3 of the ingredients required to make dextromethorphan hydro bromide (DHM). When cough syrup is added, a mixture known on the street as “purple drank” is produced. Informed sources have stated that his autopsy indicated that he had liver damage consistent with one who habitually used this drug concoction.

• The effects of purple drank is that it makes one paranoid and combative. Those symptoms would be consistent with believing that one is being followed and then attacking the perceived follower.

Whether the media was afraid of the backlash they might receive if they revealed the real truth on matters regarding Mr. Martin’s background or whether they had their own agenda is open to interpretation. The fact that they either fabricated, covered-up, or provided misleading information for public consumption is beyond debate.

A few years back a young black man who was a pot smoker and had admitted to snorting cocaine was given a pass on his past drug use by the mass media. This same man had no verifiable educational history and no resume’ of full-time employment — and the media did not investigate. This same man had enough skeletons in his closet to make a ghost cringe — and still the media showed no interest. In fact, the mainstream media, by abdicating their responsibilities as the investigating and reporting source responsible for keeping the citizenry informed, failed at every turn. The end result was that the young man and his surrogates fabricated their own version of the” truth” and their agenda. With no dissenting rebuttal from the media — he went on to become the 44th President.

Now whether one likes or loathes President Obama is not the point. The shirking of the media’s time-honored responsibility as the investigative and reporting source is the issue. There is any number of disturbing events occurring within our government — and once again the media uses its power as a large umbrella to act as a partisan shield. Whether it is because the media is largely liberal or because it is intellectually lazy is open to interpretation. That the media frames news to fit their agenda is beyond question or debate.

When a nation loses its ability to discover the truth regarding its government, anarchy cannot be far behind. The private press has been silenced in countries before with chilling effects — America is not immune to the same fate as that of nations that have preceded it in history. Apathy and a cowering press will determine the future of America to a large extent. America will probably never be conquered by another nation in battle – it will just slowly decay from within and fade into oblivion as a result of a chronic cancer that goes largely unreported.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear. John Haywood, 1546.

Bill Shuey is a freelance writer who lives in Murphy, NC. He can be contacted at:

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Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
11 years ago

I would suggest that the media is doing exactly as it is told. The same men who own these news companies also pick those who are most able to convince the masses, that the laws that are formulated by these same men, are good for the sheep. The wolves of fascism are seeking those whom they may devour.

11 years ago

With all the msm outlets owned by a relative handful of people, its no wonder they can push propaganda rather than information. No competition means no need for quality.