Posted 5 March 2013 by The Silicon Graybeard:
“Mayor Bloomberg’s shock troops, the group of lawyers and agitators that have invaded and occupied Colorado, have opened a front and begun the attack in Florida.
“H/T and kudos to Miguel at Gunfree Zone, first the Assault Weapons Ban, SB1670. At first glance, it looks like the New York bill (what a surprise!) with a single feature test, but a 10 round magazine limit (Colorado is currently at 15, New York at 8). It also outlaws any semiautomatic shotgun that can easily accommodate more than five rounds. No mention of revolvers at all. Full text of the bill here in html. It considers semiautomatic pistols as assault weapons if the magazine is not in the hand grip, making things like your 1896 “Broom Handle” Mauser an assault weapon.
“The second bill is somewhat odder. I haven’t specifically heard about this approach being used elsewhere but SB1678 requires a current certificate from a state approved anger management class to buy ammunition – a cert that must be renewed! Unfortunately, that’s a 15 line add-on in 60 lines of law. It also replaces the word “handgun” with “firearm” in state law 790.065. Full text here in html. The practical result of this is that the 3 day waiting period that used to apply to handguns applies now to all firearms. No more dropping by the local Bass Pro or Walmart, and walking out with a shotgun or rifle without a waiting period – although they keep the exemption for those who hold a valid concealed carry permit.”