The Enemy is US

Are you feeling good about our “great WIN” on the budget battle last Friday?

One can barely grasp the enormous stupidity of the budget deal. It is a signal that there is no chance of a bold, desperately-needed reconciliation with sanity. There is no chance that even discretionary spending can be limited, much less the drastic measures required to save the nation from bankruptcy and world-wide ridicule. If this is the fruit of the Tea Party, it is a wicked weed indeed.

John Boehner is not qualified to polish the spittoons in the basement of the Capitol Building, much less participate in a negotiation between Harry Reid, Barack Obama and the Republican congress. The praise being heaped upon him by the press signals that he is the one they want to negotiate the 2012 budget. He negotiated positive press and a fig leaf from the president in return for capitulation.

Read the rest of  The Enemy is Us

I can’t wait to see the results of Republican effort to hold ground on the debt ceiling.

Bet they do a swell job …

Remember – even the $ 14.3 Trillion debt is “chump change” compared to the outstanding promises of the national-socialist agenda … the Unfunded Liabilities … $ 113 Trillion …

Focus on the numbers in the lower right corner ==>

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13 years ago

thanks for linking to that excellent article. The GOP has been given an opportunity. Yes, they got “some” cuts on this latest negotiation, but in baseball terms, I’d probably call it a foul ball -- which counts as a strike. They’ve got 2 more pitches coming -- the debt ceiling and the 2012 budget. If they don’t get a real “hit” -- we’re in big trouble. We will know the outcome, shortly.