The Invasion


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Pam Knowles
Pam Knowles
9 years ago

I keep posting on Facebook: Remember the Trojan Horse.

9 years ago

Ready yourselves people.. Their coming. Get your bean and bullets now. At the anticipated rate, tomorrow may be to late.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hillbilly

this is a big part of the sodomites army, and he will arm them and make them federal police officers working for the Federal government to detain white Americans and kill us any which they can. All hell will break lose very shortly on all who have there hand in the destruction of there own nation. as for the refuges they will all be returned to where they came as well as all other Islamics who came here under the sodomites orders illegally, the sodomite will go to jail at some point along with his entire administration for sedition and treason and every congressman who went along with this murderers lawlessness.