Posted by T L Davis
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To Fight and Fight Hard

I know Super Tuesday yielded some answers for some people, but one must really understand the problem. Politics are a non issue. The Tea Party addressed the political solution and they will again, but there is a timeline at work here. There are two things one cannot get around, the passage of time and simple mathematics. They are inviolable.

I know that you all know the issues as well as I do, but I will indulge myself to explain the sheer practical issues before us and why we must act.

I met a little boy the other day, Josiah, who was 3 and bright, articulate and loved the freedom only a 3 year-old can know. His world was simple, go out and get a deer. Find it, kill it and eat it. Simple. It is boys like Josiah that we are fighting for, so they don’t have to grow up in a world filled with rules and regulations that stifle their imagination and creativity.

A world such as that is what inspired the drive for independence from Britain. In the British Colonies one was not allowed to grow or refine sugar, that was for the other colonies of Britain and Britain didn’t want competition coming from America, where they planned to sell the sugar grown and refined in other parts. There are a list of such commodities that were restricted, putting entrepreneurs in America at a disadvantage. There were restrictions from manufacture, crops and other industry.

America created to free the soul and to encourage the mind and inventiveness, to unleash the whole of the body and its abilities. There is a drive in the American to pursue a dream, or a quest, or riches. It is uniquely American to think of “making money”. Nowhere else on the earth was the idea of “making money” through one means or another considered. One was expected to gain wealth through traditional means, usually inheritance, which kept the money sequestered among the elite. Others were expected to pursue trades and crafts and mastering these might provide one with a good living, but wealth was not the goal.

Without the Constitution and with the crony capitalism that has supplanted honest government we, as a nation, are devolving into Britain. The high cost of compliance with regulations stifles the imagination and the drive to pursue wealth. Regulations rob entrepreneurs of their profits and directs this toward government employees with pensions and salaries that rival the best of the middle-class. More and more dependence on the government requires more and more government employees. When a major industry fails from over-regulation and is utterly destroyed by government bureaucracy, the government is free to take over that industry as vital to the national security. I believe this is what is being attempted in the energy industry right now. Either the government will control it, or it will replace it with nonsense green energy with costs that bring other industries into the socialist fold.

Here is the problem: the United States Government has an annual budget of nearly 5 trillion dollars. Through income tax receipts it collects around 2.5 trillion dollars. In order to remain at 19 trillion dollars of debt we would right now have to cut around 2 trillion out of the budget. Considering that the largest expenditures of our government are Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Military, where on earth are we going to cut 2 trillion out of our budget? Consider also the interest payments on the 19 trillion of debt. Where? Are we to kick grandma and grandpa out into the street with failure to make Social Security payments? Are going to quit paying the interest on the debt? Are going to stop paying for the poor to receive Medicare?

No politician will EVER propose any of that. So, it really doesn’t matter who wins an election anymore, it is past that point. There are only two possible outcomes I see (there may be more) 1) we throw up our hands and give into government making the choice that it is better to take care of everyone at everyone else’s expense and agree to 80% taxation on our labor and become a communist nation, which so many are now dedicated to, or 2) we fight now to reverse this trend through the Constitution, because the Constitution does not allow for the previous option, too many rights will have to be done away with to arrive at a communist system. The state would have to become supreme.

Now, one might say that this is already done and that I am doing nothing more than bickering about degrees of communism and I would not disagree, but for the perception of the average citizen that they still live in a Constitutional republic (they call it democracy). Our fight would expose the government and its intent, it would force it to deny the Constitution at which point a great number of Americans take notice.

It is ours, then to fight now and fight hard, to expose the lies of the government and to bring it to heel. I suggest this and know that truly it is for me to do it. The Liberty Summit is an attempt to do just that, to bring the allies of liberty together and devise a means and plan for achieving this goal.

Let me assure you all that I am not looking for a way to do so and remain free and alive. I have already made peace with the fact that someone had to be the first man out of the landing craft at D-Day, that someone had to take the first step up Mt. Suribachi. Any commander will tell you that not everyone will come back from a mission. Nothing worth doing is safe. I have spent my life in the oil field, risking life and limb everyday. I am comfortable with the costs of such a life and I am comfortable with the costs of any endeavor which might yield success.

The only regret I face is that my fellow countrymen will not recognize my actions as serving my country, but as somehow trying to destroy it. If they only knew. 

[ Text above originally posted at T L In Exile ]

If you are unable to attend the Liberty Summit in PA, consider the NCPATCON hosted by Brock Townsend in Tarboro, NC.

Preparatory reading for either: III to Liberty: The Fight to Restore the Constitution

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