“… the question …”

Which should be “… on every conservative blog, on every patriot’s lips… “

This is a continuation from “Where Are We Relative to the Progressive-Communists ?”  Think hard about TL’s analysis and answer the question:

“Before we can envision success we must first know how to begin, where to begin. That should be the question on every conservative blog, on every patriot’s lips. Where is our beginning?”

Posted by T.L. Davis at 10:38 PM on TL In Exile

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What Banner Do We Fly?

Let us, as an exercise, examine our inaction. We will not harass or bother the justices of the Supreme Court, who routinely betray the intent of  the Constitution because we will be thrown in jail. We will not stand up for liberty at the airport because we will be detained, miss our flight and perhaps be thrown in jail. We will not cause a ruckus in the House of Representatives because we will be thrown in jail. We will not attempt to interfere with the FED because we will be thrown in jail. We will not fight back against the unions because we will be thrown in jail. We will not fight back against the banks because we will be thrown in jail. We will not refuse to be pulled over at a DUI checkpoint because we will be thrown in jail. We will not refuse to pay taxes as a protest because we will be thrown in jail.

The problem with being thrown in jail is the sudden lack of income attendant to that action. The need for a lawyer, with the sudden demand on the income attendant to that action. We don’t want to wind up in some inner-city jail where life would not be so pleasant. Jail presents a risk to our employment and consequently a sudden drop in income.

So, the truth of the matter is that we do not resist because we cannot find a way to do so that will not adversely affect our other lives, the ones where we are fathers and mothers or otherwise responsible adults. We don’t want to be homeless. We don’t want to suffer or make our children suffer.

Now, I could make all of the reasons that suffering is becoming a fact with or without resistance, but I’ll let that go for now and just focus on our inaction.

I believe that most of us would risk one or more of the above actions if there were to be some outcome to that sacrifice, but we all know that it would be a (forgive the vulgarity) fart in the wind. It would have no effect and we would be no closer to our goals of liberty.

We are not the children of the revolution for so many reasons. First, the world is not the same as it was back then. It is nearly impossible to make a living off of the land. It is impossible to escape punishment by driving into the frontier where one might get lost. We are known the world over simply by having utilities in our names. Second, our lives are tied to our children. Our mistakes weigh heavy on them. Third and finally, there is no chance of winning.

As has been often lamented, there is no champion to embrace our cause and benefit from it. There is no one to take the political advantage we might secure and use it as leverage for our cause. The cause of liberty is a lonely pursuit. Everyone in the government is hurt by the advancement of the people’s liberty and so none will come forward to accept our gifts and perhaps pardon us at some time in the future. There is no workable solution to the .gov control over our lives.

The Oathkeepers were supposed to be that link, that liaison that would mitigate our excesses for the cause of liberty, but they have abdicated their role. Also, we have no voice. The Tea Party will not support any act of aggression when that is the only option left to those who truly value liberty and would be willing to sacrifice for it. Those who know me know that I would gladly sacrifice and have and have been left standing in the cold for my efforts. It was a learning experience.

Where is the military? Where are the politicians needed to support our efforts? At least the Palestinians have support for their resistance, as misguided and irrational as it might be. What banner do we fly? What ground do we seek? What means will we use?

We are a movement without a leader. We have a goal without a means. We have a method without a plan. We are waiting for our sacrifices to have a meaning, otherwise any action we might take would be an isolated incident of a weak-minded individual (or so portrayed by those who write the news). We are smart enough to know this and we remain inactive.

Every mission is a suicide mission. A movement cannot function under that fact. We are not terrorists, we do not think in those terms. We are not driven on by encouragement from a religious perspective. We are just men and women seeking to retain what was given to us at birth, that was robbed from us before being born. We have inherited a betrayal and we are pissed about it. We want to do something to secure our rights for ourselves and our posterity, but we see no cooperation, no possibility of success.

So, who are we, then? Are we an army without a general? Are we saboteurs? Are we Palestine? In the Palestinian struggle we find our most likely peer. We seek something that was never ours, that has been a myth almost since the signing of the document. We struggle with no possible chance of success, but we lack the courage to even throw rocks.

So what would it take to move us in the direction we need to go? What would be the catalyst that would unleash our intent? Before we can envision success we must first know how to begin, where to begin. That should be the question on every conservative blog, on every patriot’s lips. Where is our beginning? Who will give their lives first? Who will be second? Who will be…on and on. We should know this first. We should work toward it, refine it, we should be able to say who will be first in action and when that action is taken, who will follow it up.

I suggest a summit of all interested parties to do just that. Sit down and devise a justification, produce a document, a letter of intent, a warning and ensure that those actions are followed up with a plan for resistance. Think it over.

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