The True State of the Economy


“The True State of the Economy” is brought to you by API (Asset Preservation
Institute). API is preparing Americans for the transformation of America, the
collapse of the currency and a prolonged hyperinflationary

API is strictly an education and consulting firm empowering
individuals in a changing America; providing timely and critical data for
surviving the transformation of America and the tools to help get America back
on track.API offers personal economic and financial educational programs
to members of the public. API provides independent non-biased analysis, private
one on one consultations on demand and ongoing educational



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Zero Cool
Zero Cool
13 years ago

All of you who rave on the glory of capitalism and how it’s the only structure that has ‘worked’ seem to conveniently FORGET how the free market system virtually brought down the world in 1929 and 2008 (or the next crash that just may be the end of life as you lavishly and richly know it). And you seem to neglect all the greed, crime and corruption due to capitalism. Do you really think that a relatively young system like captialism will succeed forever? There has been no political/economical structure that has stood the test of time -- they all fall for one reason or another. Do you really believe the few ‘haves’ will continue to rule over the numerous ‘have-nots’ because it’s such a wonderful system? Just wait, it wont be much longer now. But there might be a better way…a blend of the best of all three systems.