The War on Morality

from Ninety Miles from Tyranny

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11 years ago

I believe that while we ridicule the Left for their (admittedly) immoral behavior, we need to take a moment and look at the skeletons in the closet of the Right.

So I give to you a Rogues Gallery of Republican Immorality:

From Top to Bottom, Left to Right:

Chip Pickering: 2009 Adulterer. Wife files for divorce.

Tom Ganley: 2010 House of Representatives candidate. Charged with seven counts of sexual imposition. One charge still pending, others dropped.

Mark Souder: Indiana House of Representatives. Advocate of abstinence and family values, has affair with staffer. 2010.

Thad Viers: Three time South Carolina state Rep. Charged in 2012 with harassing 28 tear old woman. Charged in 2006 for threatening a man who was dating his estranged wife.

Pete Domenici: Senator from New Mexico. Lambasted Clinton for affair before admitting to fathering a son out of wedlock with female staffer.

Vito Fossella: Arrested for DUI, admits to affair and child out of wedlock with staffer in 2008.

John Ensign: Resigned his position as Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee on June 16, 2009, after admitting he had an affair with the wife of a close friend, both of whom were working on his campaign.Under investigation, he then resigned his seat in Congress 20 months early. (2011)

David Vitter:Vitters’ name discovered in the address book of the DC Madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey. (2007)

Mark Foley: Florida representative who resigned when accused of sending sexually explicit emails to underage male congressional pages.

Ed Schrock” Republican from Virginia. announced he would abort his 2004 attempt for a third term in Congress after allegedly being caught on tape soliciting sex from a male prostitute after having aggressively opposed various gay-rights issues in Congress, such as same-sex marriage and gays in the military.

Stven LaTourette: Representative from Ohio. Elected in 1994 and had voted to impeach Bill Clinton for the Lewinsky scandal. He himself had a long-term affair with his chief of staff, Jennifer Laptook, while he was married. He married Laptook after his divorce. (2003)

And finally….

Larry Craig: Senator from Idaho. “Toe Tapper” Pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct following his arrest in a Minneapolis airport men’s room in June 2007, on a charge of lewd conduct. Senator Craig had previously stated that “people already know that Bill Clinton is a bad boy -- a naughty boy.”