There may yet be hope …

While news about the Republican Treason Event of 2014 continue to circulate:

“The punchline? Now that Republicans have allowed the Chamber of Commerce’s Wetback Tsunami to flood the FUSA, (and paid the bill for Obamacare yet again!), they are going to spend the next two years campaigning against them! (As highlighted Repeated by Bill Quick and others).

“Why would these charlatans engage in such a blatant act of unabashed, sham-tastic hypocrisy?

“Because constant readers… they think know you’re stupid enough to keep voting for them regardless of how much they ruckus you, piss on your beliefs, steal your liberty and destroy your wealth. Like good little battered housewives, you’ll suck down the tears, hold some ice on your black-eye, and rock yourself to sleep at night…

“He really loves me… really… he does… he really loves me…”

[Further “I told you so’s” and references to other on-line commentaries, at dethguild.]

The marriage of technology and philosophy might lead to beneficial outcomes:

Courtesy of The Lonely Libertarian

<snark>  Imagine … not having to depend upon the integrity of the political class …

Skynet done right !  </snark>

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