They Are Evil…

The progressive ‘Ideology’ will latch onto any perceived inequality, and make it a “social issue”.  It’s not because they care – it’s because they need issues to use as crow-bars in their deconstruction of our constitutional republic.  Using taxes and regulations, they inflate costs and reduce access, therefore amplifying the inequality (if there actually was one to begin with), otherwise creating the alleged ‘inequality’ out of thin air, all the while engraining the issue into the societal consciousness as an issue that urgently needs ‘fixing’ through their media outlets.
They did this in the ’50s and ’60s with race issues and got “affirmative action” and welfare, and in the ’70s and ’80s with “feminism” and got wage, age, and gender discrimination laws which further eroded the freedom of business owners…the drug war which expanded the police state, the assault weapons ban which greatly expanded the federal law enforcement purview, the Clinton attempt at socialized health-care which got expansions to Medicare/Medicaid, and the “housing inequality” claims which lead to the “community reinvestment act” which brought the housing bubble…  there are more examples, but these suffice to establish the line of reasoning.
In brief, they create the problems so that they can ram “solutions” down our throats which further their agenda.
The most recent, and perhaps most blatant example is the Benghazi debacle – through lies and contrivances, they have transformed an act of terror against us into an excuse to erode our First Amendment protections.
When are we going to stop falling for these same dirty tricks?!?  I’m not saying that some of these weren’t legitimate issues before the proggies got a hold of them, but ultimately, every person actually affected by one of these issues has suffered because of the progressive seizure and subsequent subversion of the legitimate issue, where there was one to begin with.
Progressivism is EVIL – it sows fear and discord, with the intent of reaping death and destruction – this is no accident – it is by design.  The only real solution to progressivism is to take away their power *and* their voice – until we do this, they will never stop concocting these “social issues” and using them as crow-bars to destroy our society.  How do people not see this?
~Those who abuse Liberty, do so at their own peril!
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