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Things are moving along at a fast pace. TPTB are salivating for this kind of action here and they will be pushing for it more and more. With each high school and collage graduation there will be ones with this mentality eventually elected to congress to continue the slow march.
Hang in there sister. God has a plan for you.
Upon watching some online videos about a trending news story, I saw some things in the spirit:
-The left hand of a male with a black palm-grip type ‘glove’ that went to just below the first joint of the fingers and thumb. He was thick-fingered, with well-kept medium-ish length fingernails, although they were not fat and round-like fingers. It was rubber or plastic.
-There was a ‘cross shape’ target on a small pile of tan/tannish leaves outdoors. The target was rather tall, and slightly at an angle, leaning back at the top. Maybe when it’s warmer…something to be found under the leaves. The leaves I saw in the videos were mostly green, although it’s winter.
-A taller male, with a three-quarters length medium to medium-dark brown suede coat, it was open in the front, he was holding a cylindrical implement/instrument (cutting tool) with both hands, and leaning against (with his right side) on what appeared to be a closet door at about a forty-five degree angle. It didn’t seem like a single door, but perhaps two sliding doors, where it meets the wall beyond it on my left; white paint. He had shoulder-length medium layered, wavy brown hair and was grinning (with a narrow bridge of the nose, and seemingly darkened eyelids). I viewed this at a somewhat elevated angle, and saw two or three (although the third one may have been the first one seen), against a wall, horizontal to me; from left to right, tall, thinnish man with face painted red with black vertical marks throughout, open plaid shirt, seems to be a tee shirt underneath, shorter medium brown hair, a man to the right of him with chalkish/stark white paint on face with black vertical marks (from my front and above view), it may have been a solid color shirt, or a bit of plaid in it with a tee shirt under it, taller and thinnish, and the third..all I saw was the right upper arm area, it seemed the armed was lifted, and I saw the brown suede again (these men all seemed to have the left sides of their bodies against the wall, as in a tight line). There may have been a/the brown closet behind the first two, with the third to my right-the first entering another space.
Note: whether the paint was literal or symbolic, I don’t know. Either way, it matches the design, pattern of young ladies in picture in a video, with the same theme of black vertical marks on dresses, holding cutting implements.
-Two seemingly female figures, attired in a soft, canvas-like thick material with head pieces covering them as well. One was putting a rope around the significantly shorter one. It’s not clear if this was for maneuvering or something else. The colors were off-winter white, a soft, muted orange and green (light colors), large swathes of color.
-A younger male sitting on seemingly a bed with dark, full yet short hair (and perhaps round-ish glasses), and this was a still image like the others, but perhaps a bit animated as there seemed to be an injury in the middle of his left arm, visible as a black ring (the diameter of his arm) although I only saw a front view; didn’t look gory.
-Part of the front of the front of a white house with a window, with worn, thinner slabs of wood horizontal, with worn white paint, and part of the back side of a blue home.
My thoughts would be speculation…
I disagree with the trend of the slippery slope toward ‘thought crimes’, however, it is worth looking further into this story to better understand the context.
When an abortion clinic is operating legally and in compliance with the law, its clients have the legal protection of not being harassed for using the facility. Unfortunately, there has been a nasty history of anti-abortion protestors filming those clients, posting on the internet, doxxing and otherwise harassing women seeking those services.
For that reason, there are a number of Public Space Protection Orders that have been put up around some high profile facilities. I believe such orders are prominently posted on lamp posts, walls, etc. I’ve never actually seen one or taken much of an interest -- but orders of this nature are not ‘everywhere for every thing’ type notices -- they apply only to a specific location and specific activities. Its a way of establishing temporary rules for regulating certain behaviours in a localised sense.
I don’t like this application, but its not like this is a wide ranging law across Britain. I have heard of people getting ticketed for breeching a public space order that was put in place because of a high volume of dog walkers not picking up their dog’s poop in particular areas. I’ve wished for a public space order to stop a particular family’s dogs from pulling out newly planted trees in a nearby park.
Not knowing much about this case, it seems to me that this protestor was taking advantage of a PSPO to try to make a splash in the news. Possibly the arrest was triggered more by the presence of a film crew than simply by the praying activity. There may be missing context, such as past history of harassing behaviours. It is impossible to know from the published information.
I have noticed that some of the alternative news reports in the US take snippets of ‘news’ from Europe and build a huge story around it -- I saw one the other day where a commentator was trying to claim a European city was ‘locking down’ its residents to prevent them from travelling by banning cars in particular zones. There have been pedestrian precincts in European cities for decades. There is usually a public consultation process whenever a locality is planning to set up some similar new arrangement. No city is ‘imprisoning’ their residents like the reporting claimed. That story may sound bad to a American reader because the US is simply not as replete with frequent, cheap and reliable public transport options as most European towns and cities. Similarly there is hyperbole around France banning short haul domestic flights. Frankly, with the high speed train system in France, there is probably no where that a short haul flight can take you in France that cuts journey times by comparison to trains and busses (if you count the journey to the airport, parking, security, waiting for the flight, getting on and off the plane).
There is a useful takeaway from stories like these, however. They serve to separate the wheat from the chaff amongst alternative news reporters. Spotting a few instances of hyperbole from a commentator should put a red flag on them. There is so much information floating around out there that it is often hard to know how to ‘apply discernment’. Taking note of people that discredit themselves with exaggerations or mis-context, is one way to exert discernment.
I thought murder was a crime. To say you can murder one person and not another is lunacy. Any follower of God that thinks murder should go rebuked needs to reread the Bible, pray, and think why have I put man’s laws above Your laws Almighty God?
Of course the feel threatened when a Christian is there, that is called conviction. You should fell bad for murdering your child because if you where to die in that sin, you will burn in Hell.
If we want to stop “abortions” then we need to call it what is it, it is baby murder. Plain and simple, baby murder. God tells us the price here on earth for the shedding of innocent blood is death. That is how serious that sin is. To sugar coat it with a word like abortion is wrong at beast.
If you are going to a church where they justify it in a anyway, you need to take a stand and rebuke the church for it’s sin. Since the men will not you will have too. If they will not repent, wipe the dirt off your feet and leave that abominable dean of Satan.
It is the devil that works by deceit. The woman was not just innocently standing silent and praying -- she was building her story on deceit. She had a camera crew and was wilfully breaking the law -- neither of did she mention in the context of her story. She was trying to make the reader believe her arrest was purely for thought crime.
We will not win this war by using the devil’s tactics and tools.
Mary -- if you are concerned with “deceit”, then please inspect your terminology.
A “crime” in English and American Common-Law requires a human victim who is killed/injured or has property damaged/stolen. The term “Law” properly refers to Maxims of Common-Law and subsequent findings of a magistrate in a common-law court. Decisions of a common-law court may be enforced by members of the affected community.
A “public space order” is an edict of legislation and is not “law”. Such edicts are enforced through the monopoly of violence claimed by one or more levels of civil government. Any legislative edict that encroaches upon human liberty in the absence of injury or damages is a candidate for nullification.
Deceit arises when edicts of legislation are called law, and infractions of those edicts are called crimes. This use of terminology is a product of the progressive usurpation of our ability to think critically on the subjects of law and government.
While the woman in the video may have arranged a camera crew to film her silent protest, their presence in a public space was lawful as no actual crime in common-law was committed -- i.e. no person was injured and no property was damaged.
It was a text-book example of a peaceful and moral protest.
I usually have at least one cameraman on me at all times….doesn’t everyone?
stranger things have happened.
Good morning,
Not posting this to be mean, nor accuse, yet we need not stand on the street corner, nor in a building using many flowery words nor the vain repetitions to gain counsel with Yahuah through Mashiak.
we need not to position ourselves in front of businesses, for Him to receive our petitions.
He sees us, He knows our hearts!
Matthew 6:5
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward.
I think you missed the point here.
And we are to rebuke evil wherever it is.
Ephesians 5:11
Proverbs 24:24-25
2 Timothy 4:2-4
2 Timothy 3:16
1 Thessalonians 5:14-15
Leviticus 19:17
Matthew 18:15
Luke 17:3
Ephesians 6:19-20
Psalm 82:2-5
1 Timothy 5:20
Ezekiel 3:18
Proverbs 25:26
Leviticus 20:3-5
1 Thessalonians 5:21
She was not there trying to draw a crowd, she was there praying in silent. The prayer closet is good, but it is a place to prepare for battle, not to hide. The reason we are where we are is because the Church has sat silent. If there is power in the Word, then why are we afraid to use and trust in it?
Stop Thinking At Meee!!! Aaawww!!!
Please back the blue.
Support the brave officers who arrested and interrogated this horrible person.