UNESCO’s (UN) department for international education, the International Baccalaureate (IB) school, is connected to the US Common Core standards program. From the IB website entitled “Connecting IB to the Common Core
“The IB’s goals and core values are in genuine alignment with the aims and desired outcomes of the common core.”
– IB 2012 Americas Conference
In my previous article I wrote about the global socialist roots of the IB World Schools and its infiltration into US schools. Now it would seem that both the Common Core and IB programs grew out of the same poisonous root.
The IB program was one of the sets of standards selected for inclusion in the Common Core program. IB also recognized that:
“the implementation of the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) will have a significant impact on public schools in states that adopt the new standards” and “is committed to supporting schools with a range of services and academic tools”.
Both Common Core and IB World Schools adopt the “globally-minded” label. For those unfamiliar with Common Core (whose overseer is the US Government) this program decides which internationally-collaborated, dumbed-down curriculum should be taught in participating states. Michelle Malkin has taken on the Common Core program head-on and wrote several articles about it that are well worth the read.
Through our public school systems our children are now being raised into “low information voters”. To sum up these programs in a nutshell just look under “Equity” on page 19 of the IB/Common Core presentation:
“Common standards can help create more equal access to an excellent education.”
More equal?? Either something is equal or it’s not. Apparently this “globally-minded”, Common Core approving presentation writer has “learnt hiz curhikulum but guud”.