URGENT: The Rats Are Out in the North Carolina House of Representatives

Image result for constitutional convention bad idea

With barely any notice, the Convention of States Project’s application for an Article V convention (A5C) was sent to a new House committee in North Carolina and is scheduled for a hearing TODAY! 

We blasted North Carolina on April 7th. Please send another quick letter, even if the hearing is over. The full House will be next if it passes. We can’t let them get #16!

Here is the application for an Article V Convention (A5C) we oppose in the North Carolina House:

H390 (COSP) — awaiting committee assignment — hearing not scheduled yet.

HERE is our State flyer which explains the dangers of an A5C.

HEREare words from brilliant men who warned against an A5C.

Legislators have been told by COSP that they will control convention Delegates and set the convention rules. But this isn’t true! Article V provides that when 2/3 of the state legislatures apply for it, Congress calls a convention. At that point, it will be out of state legislators’ hands. This CHART shows WHO has the power to do WHAT under Article V.

THIS ARTICLE and THIS FLYER show why States can’t control the Delegates or prevent Delegates from coming up with a new Constitution.

As Georgetown law professor David A. Super says in this ARTICLE, “These groups are seeking to persuade State Legislatures to take the country into …uncharted territory…Calling an Article V convention is reckless, especially at this divisive moment in our nation’s political history.”

Please write to the following 120 North Carolina representatives and ask them to Vote “No!” on H390 and any other applications from North Carolina asking Congress to call an Article V convention:

House Republicans (65) – Dear Representative:

Jay.Adams@ncleg.net, Dean.Arp@ncleg.net, Lisa.Barnes@ncleg.net, John.Bell@ncleg.net, Hugh.Blackwell@ncleg.net, Jamie.Boles@ncleg.net, William.Brisson@ncleg.net, Mark.Brody@ncleg.net, Dana.Bumgardner@ncleg.net, Jerry.Carter@ncleg.net, George.Cleveland@ncleg.net, Debra.Conrad@ncleg.net, Kevin.Corbin@ncleg.net, Ted.Davis@ncleg.net, Jimmy.Dixon@ncleg.net, Josh.Dobson@ncleg.net, Jeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.net, John.Faircloth@ncleg.net, John.Fraley@ncleg.net, Edward.Goodwin@ncleg.net, Holly.Grange@ncleg.net, Destin.Hall@ncleg.net, kyle.hall@ncleg.net, Bobby.Hanig@ncleg.net, Jon.Hardister@ncleg.net, Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.net, Cody.Henson@ncleg.net, Craig.Horn@ncleg.net, Julia.Howard@ncleg.net, Chris.Humphrey@ncleg.net, Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net, Frank.Iler@ncleg.net,

Steve.Jarvis@ncleg.net, LindaP.Johnson@ncleg.net, Brenden.Jones@ncleg.net, Keith.Kidwell@ncleg.net, Donny.Lambeth@ncleg.net, David.Lewis@ncleg.net, Pat.McElraft@ncleg.net, Chuck.McGrady@ncleg.net, Allen.McNeill@ncleg.net, gregory.murphy@ncleg.net, Larry.Pittman@ncleg.net, Larry.Potts@ncleg.net, Michele.Presnell@ncleg.net, Dennis.Riddell@ncleg.net, David.Rogers@ncleg.net, Stephen.Ross@ncleg.net, Jason.Saine@ncleg.net, Clayton.Sasser@ncleg.net, John.Sauls@ncleg.net, Mitchell.Setzer@ncleg.net, Phil.Shepard@ncleg.net, Carson.Smith@ncleg.net, Michael.Speciale@ncleg.net, Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net, Larry.Strickland@ncleg.net, John.Szoka@ncleg.net, John.Torbett@ncleg.net, Rena.Turner@ncleg.net, Harry.Warren@ncleg.net, Donna.White@ncleg.net, Larry.Yarborough@ncleg.net, Lee.Zachary@ncleg.net, Tim.Moore@ncleg.net,

House Democrats (55) – Dear Representative:

Gale.Adcock@ncleg.net, John.Ager@ncleg.net, Kelly.Alexander@ncleg.net, John.Autry@ncleg.net, Cynthia.Ball@ncleg.net, Sydney.Batch@ncleg.net, Chaz.Beasley@ncleg.net, Mary.Belk@ncleg.net, MaryAnn.Black@ncleg.net, Cecil.Brockman@ncleg.net, deb.butler@ncleg.net, Becky.Carney@ncleg.net, Christy.Clark@ncleg.net, Ashton.Clemmons@ncleg.net, Carla.Cunningham@ncleg.net, Allison.Dahle@ncleg.net, Terence.Everitt@ncleg.net, Jean.Farmer-Butterfield@ncleg.net, Susan.Fisher@ncleg.net, Elmer.Floyd@ncleg.net, James.Gailliard@ncleg.net, Terry.Garrison@ncleg.net, Rosa.Gill@ncleg.net, Ken.Goodman@ncleg.net, Charles.Graham@ncleg.net, Wesley.Harris@ncleg.net, Pricey.Harrison@ncleg.net,

Zack.Hawkins@ncleg.net, Yvonne.Holley@ncleg.net, Rachel.Hunt@ncleg.net, Howard.Hunter@ncleg.net, Verla.Insko@ncleg.net, Darren.Jackson@ncleg.net, Joe.John@ncleg.net, Brandon.Lofton@ncleg.net, Carolyn.Logan@ncleg.net, Marvin.Lucas@ncleg.net, Nasif.Majeed@ncleg.net, Grier.Martin@ncleg.net, graig.meyer@ncleg.net, Derwin.Montgomery@ncleg.net, Marcia.Morey@ncleg.net, Garland.Pierce@ncleg.net, Joe.Queen@ncleg.net, Amos.Quick@ncleg.net, robert.reives@ncleg.net, William.Richardson@ncleg.net, Ray.Russell@ncleg.net, Kandie.Smith@ncleg.net, Raymond.Smith@ncleg.net, Evelyn.Terry@ncleg.net, Brian.Turner@ncleg.net, Julie.vonHaefen@ncleg.net, Shelly.Willingham@ncleg.net, Michael.Wray@ncleg.net,

Thank you for defending our Constitution!

Here is the application we oppose in the North Carolina House:

H390 (COSP) – Hearing Tues. April 16th at 11:00 am Eastern!

HERE and attached is our State flyer which explains the dangers of an A5C.   

HERE and attached are words from brilliant men who warned against an A5C.

Legislators have been told by COSP that they will control the Delegates and set the convention rules. But this isn’t true! Article V provides that when 2/3 of the state legislatures apply for it, Congress calls a convention. At that point, it will be out of state legislators’ hands. This CHART shows WHO has the power to do WHAT under Article V.

THIS ARTICLE and THIS FLYER show why States can’t control the Delegates or prevent them from writing a new Constitution.

As Georgetown law professor David A. Super says in this ARTICLE, “These groups are seeking to persuade State Legislatures to take the country into …uncharted territory…Calling an Article V convention is reckless, especially at this divisive moment in our nation’s political history.”

Please write to the following 120 North Carolina representatives and ask them to Vote “No!” on H390 and any other applications asking Congress to call an Article V convention:

House Republicans (65) – Dear Representative:

Jay.Adams@ncleg.netDean.Arp@ncleg.netLisa.Barnes@ncleg.netJohn.Bell@ncleg.netHugh.Blackwell@ncleg.net,Jamie.Boles@ncleg.netWilliam.Brisson@ncleg.netMark.Brody@ncleg.netDana.Bumgardner@ncleg.netJerry.Carter@ncleg.net,George.Cleveland@ncleg.netDebra.Conrad@ncleg.netKevin.Corbin@ncleg.netTed.Davis@ncleg.netJimmy.Dixon@ncleg.net,Josh.Dobson@ncleg.netJeffrey.Elmore@ncleg.netJohn.Faircloth@ncleg.netJohn.Fraley@ncleg.netEdward.Goodwin@ncleg.net,Holly.Grange@ncleg.netDestin.Hall@ncleg.netkyle.hall@ncleg.netBobby.Hanig@ncleg.netJon.Hardister@ncleg.net,Kelly.Hastings@ncleg.netCody.Henson@ncleg.netCraig.Horn@ncleg.netJulia.Howard@ncleg.net, Chris.Humphrey@ncleg.net,Pat.Hurley@ncleg.net, Frank.Iler@ncleg.net,

Steve.Jarvis@ncleg.netLindaP.Johnson@ncleg.netBrenden.Jones@ncleg.netKeith.Kidwell@ncleg.netDonny.Lambeth@ncleg.net,David.Lewis@ncleg.netPat.McElraft@ncleg.netChuck.McGrady@ncleg.netAllen.McNeill@ncleg.netgregory.murphy@ncleg.net,Larry.Pittman@ncleg.netLarry.Potts@ncleg.netMichele.Presnell@ncleg.netDennis.Riddell@ncleg.netDavid.Rogers@ncleg.net,Stephen.Ross@ncleg.netJason.Saine@ncleg.netClayton.Sasser@ncleg.netJohn.Sauls@ncleg.netMitchell.Setzer@ncleg.net,Phil.Shepard@ncleg.netCarson.Smith@ncleg.netMichael.Speciale@ncleg.netSarah.Stevens@ncleg.netLarry.Strickland@ncleg.net,John.Szoka@ncleg.netJohn.Torbett@ncleg.netRena.Turner@ncleg.netHarry.Warren@ncleg.netDonna.White@ncleg.net,Larry.Yarborough@ncleg.netLee.Zachary@ncleg.net, Tim.Moore@ncleg.net,

House Democrats (55) – Dear Representative:

Gale.Adcock@ncleg.netJohn.Ager@ncleg.netKelly.Alexander@ncleg.netJohn.Autry@ncleg.netCynthia.Ball@ncleg.net,Sydney.Batch@ncleg.netChaz.Beasley@ncleg.netMary.Belk@ncleg.netMaryAnn.Black@ncleg.netCecil.Brockman@ncleg.net,deb.butler@ncleg.netBecky.Carney@ncleg.netChristy.Clark@ncleg.netAshton.Clemmons@ncleg.netCarla.Cunningham@ncleg.net,Allison.Dahle@ncleg.netTerence.Everitt@ncleg.netJean.Farmer-Butterfield@ncleg.netSusan.Fisher@ncleg.netElmer.Floyd@ncleg.net,James.Gailliard@ncleg.netTerry.Garrison@ncleg.netRosa.Gill@ncleg.netKen.Goodman@ncleg.netCharles.Graham@ncleg.net, Wesley.Harris@ncleg.net, Pricey.Harrison@ncleg.net,


Thank you for defending our Constitution!

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5 years ago

Done. Forwarded to my network and a new email sent to every representative urging them to vote no on H 390 and any other attempt to bring about a Con-Con

Publius Huldah
5 years ago
Reply to  sawman

Thank you and God bless you, sawman!

Publius Huldah
5 years ago

and thank you and blessings to David!

5 years ago

If this happens be prepared to do what needs doin’… rule of 308

Publius Huldah
5 years ago

The word is that Tom Coburn is at the NC Legislature today lobbying for COSP. That man is a PAID HACK who knows no more about our Constitution than I do about how to perform surgery. Yet COS Action paid Coburn $240,000 for 2016 to lobby the COSP application to State Legislators. I haven’t seen the tax returns for 2017 or 2018 -- but here is the tax return for 2016 showing the $240,000 payment to Coburn.


That is disgusting. That man is ignorant of our Constitution and is making money off his status as a former US Senator to lobby for something he doesn’t understand…

5 years ago

Seems to me that should be no big surprise. The same man and many like him who are ignorant of the Constitution accept a government salary and benefits to create laws that the rest of us must live by. But of course they don’t really have to know how to create the laws they pass as they have lobbyists from big money donors to help them with creating the laws that they pass. As for the Constitution very few “public” servants have paid any attention to it for well over a century. So it goes.

Publius Huldah
5 years ago
Reply to  samwan

Yes, but The People keep electing fakes like Tom Coburn because they recite “conservative” talking points. It’s The People of Oklahoma who bear the shame for electing Tom Coburn. He is merely an opportunist who has his hands out.

5 years ago

Only one reply so far to my email to every one of the representatives both Dimm and Republikrat

Thank you for contacting the Office of Representative James D. Gailliard. Your correspondence is important to us. Due to the volume and variety of emails we receive, we ask that you allow our staff 24-48 hours to begin our vetting process. Thank you for your patience. We will be back in contact with you as quickly as possible. If your email was for informational purposes only, we thank you in advance for making us more aware of the issues of most importance to you. Have a great day.

Kindest Regards,

Monica M. Taylor

Legislative Assistant

Representative James D. Gailliard

House of Representatives

District 25 – Nash County–Rocky Mount

300 N. Salisbury Street

536 Legislative Office Building

Raleigh, NC 27603-5925

Phone (919) 733 5802

Fax (919) 733-7569

5 years ago

I can only reply to your disgust that I am not surprised. The same man and many more like him accepted a government salary and benefits to propose laws and vote on laws with no knowledge of the Constitution and little concern for the “common” folks who had to live with the results of his votes. But fear not he did not have to propose the legislation himself. All he had to do was to draw from the expertise offered by the lobbyists most of our so called representatives really serve. For most the job of “public” servant is just a stepping stone to work for the big money interests once they leave office. Didn’t I hear Rhino Paul Ryan is now on the board of Fox. Yes I am sure we can vote our way out of this, so it goes.


[…] If you haven’t done so already, please make sure you blast the full North Carolina House today. We sent the NC COSP alert out yesterday.  […]