US Surgeon General is a ProLife Hypocrite

I’ve heard ad nauseum US Surgeon General Regina Benjamin’s public service announcement regarding pregnancy and premature baby health.

Dr. Benjamin states in her message that “we must do better” in order to have “healthier babies” that are born at full-term.

It’s disgusting to me however that this surgeon general, appointed by President Obama, would preach of the toll that premature births have on our nation while being  a PRO ABORTION advocate.

The McClatchy News article, cited on the Pro-Choice California website, includes White House spokesman Reid Cherlin’s statement that Dr. Benjamin “supports the president’s position on reproductive health issues”.  Obama also supports late term abortion as his vote in the Illinois Senate showed.

Benjamin was also a board member of the ill-named group ” Physicians for Human Rights” that advocates access to abortions across the globe.

So while this baby was born alive at 25 weeks:

25 Week Old Baby

25 Week Old Baby

this older “fetus” was “aborted” by Dr. Kermit Gosnell who is now on trial in Philadelphia and regularly delivered third trimester babies and then murdered them with scissors:

grand jury report image

(Photo taken from the grand jury report).

I would ask you, US Surgeon General Benjamin,  from the above photos can you spot the difference between an aborted fetus and a live premature baby??

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8 years ago

What would you expect from an 0bozo appointee?
Like most other petty tyrants, he surrounds himself only with those who are meticulously loyal, preferring them highly over anyone with actual qualifications…