Video: Islam & Cannibalism

Be forewarned, the video below is quite graphic.  It was apparently intended as a “morale inspiring message” to fellow rebel groups in Syria.

If cannibalism and other satanic acts are ‘morale inspiring’ to these monsters, then what does that say about the US administration which is funding and supporting them?

In the video a man who is believed to be a rebel commander named Khalid al-Hamad, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar, bends over the government soldier, knife in hand. With his right hand he moves what appears to be the dead man’s heart onto a flat piece of wood or metal lying across the body. With his left hand he pulls what appears to be a lung across the open cavity in the man’s chest. According to two of Abu Sakkar’s fellow rebels, who said they were present at the scene, Abu Sakkar had cut the organs out of the man’s body. The man believed to be Abu Sakkar then works his knife through the flesh of the dead man’s torso before he stands to face the camera, holding an organ in each hand. “I swear we will eat from your hearts and livers, you dogs of Bashar,” he says, referring to supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Off camera, a small crowd can be heard calling out “Allahu akbar” — God is great. Then the man raises one of the bloodied organs to his lips and starts to tear off a chunk with his teeth.

H/T to the DC Clothesline


When the balloon goes up here, all of the Islamic radicals which the Obama administration has intentionally imported will be turning our country into a war zone similar to Syria.  Be prepared to deal with this evil accordingly.


~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to Death!

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11 years ago

more examples …

Egypt’s al-Azhar University Issues Book Teaching Kids the Killing of Sinners & Cannibalism

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