It seems Kentucky elected a Democrat Governor last night. I read that Kentucky was a case of a Republican Governor that was not liked. Virginia elected enough Democrat state representatives that the commies now control both state houses, they already own the Governor’s mansion. Virginia now will ram through their semi-auto firearms ban they have waiting in the wings.

I do not want to be defeatist or cause you undue distress while you’re browsing the interwebz today but…
If I were to assume to offer some advice to you, it would be to not take for granted that “MAGA” is going to continue beyond January 2021. Sure these 2 states could be flukes, VA is inundated with swamp creatures and transplants. It is very red out in the rural areas I frequent in the mountains, with Trump signs everywhere. Kentucky…I don’t know why it would elect a Democrat governor but perhaps it won’t translate to the presidential process.
Perhaps it will.
There is no doubt that urban areas, small though they are, control the politics.
We are in salad days right now. Stuff is cheap and readily available. I do not know your individual situation but I would presently stop resting on my MAGA euphoria and begin plugging as many holes in my kit, preps and living situation as possible. If it means you go into some hardship now to accomplish this, I believe it better than later.
If DJT beats all of these swamp creatures and holds onto the presidency we still can face oppression on a state level. Democrat anger at Trump will foster state action that could mimic what has happened in other states already. I certainly can see that if VA passes a huge semi-auto ban with no provisions for grandfathering (to cheers from woke culture) that NC could soon follow suit. We are being inundated with transplants ourselves.
Wake up, shake the sleep from your senses and listen to that wind.
Get your mind back to being the ant, not a foolish grasshopper…wearing a red hat.
Tick. Tock.

Kentucky had a VERY unpopular GOP governor and the DNC only managed to beat him by ~3000 votes. if it had been a rainy day in Lexington and Louisville Bevin would have won. its going to a recount.
All other other races went GOP by margins of hundreds of thousands of votes. Not that im saying its all sunshine and flowers but….
The teachers are the cause of Blevins defeat, only the teachers ., I knew Louisville would vote democrat because it’s a sanctuary city, though the Mayor claims not . But Lexington? Never dreamed that many dumbass’s in Lexington. But how much do you think a democrat governor will get done with every other politician in Frankfort, Ky being a republican ? Not much I would think !
I go to Lexington a lot and its very liberal there, especially around UK and the hospitals. the city always goes blue. in 2016 the only counties to not vote trump were the ones Lexington and Louisville are in. Fayette and Jefferson county.