The President just gave a press conference on “gun violence” – here is the meat of what he said:
“I have charged my vice president to work with my cabinet and with others to come up with a concrete set of proposals for reducing gun violence, no later than January, and I intend to push that plan immediately [upon submission]…”
“I am betting that the vast majority, even of gun owners, are willing to admit that mentally unstable people should not be able to readily obtain weapons of war“
“I will use all the powers of this office to reduce the effects of gun violence by every means available to me. That won’t be easy, but I have to try, and I can’t do it alone – I will use members of my cabinet, of congress, and outside agencies to achieve this goal”
This may not be verbatim, as I was trying to capture it in real time.
~Those who abuse Liberty, convict themselves to Death!