What is Missing?

No one, to my knowledge, has touched on the fact the Latino population has been thrown under the bus on the Trayvon Martin situation. The left has thrown their lot in with the black population, ignoring entirely the fact that George Zimmerman is not what they refer to as white, but is Hispanic, in their minds a completely different race. So the question must be asked, “Why is the Hispanic population still even talking to them let alone many, as I’ve noticed, are marching in these ridiculous protests. It also shows that the Republican cowards remain as stupid as they’ve shown themselves to be over the years. Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to start gathering the Hispanic voters.

If I were running a Republican’s campaign, I’d be racing, not walking, through the Hispanic neighborhoods, talking to every leader I could and holding my own rallies to point fingers that George Zimmerman is not white, he is Hispanic. Never mind that Hispanics are Caucasian. In the minds of the progressives when it is convenient, they become their own race. Use that, for goodness sake. Turn that on the numbskulls who rant that the poor Hispanics only want the same thing the “privileged” white class gets. I would demand an audience with Chris Mathews, Piers Morgan and the rest and demand answers as to why all of a sudden this has become a white against black crime. What could possibly be their answer to that. How can their beloved Hispanic suddenly become white. It’s Magic, I guess.

Yet not a single person has brought this fact up. This situation reminds me of the “good” Muslims remaining quiet when terrorists hit. No where to be found. Well, come out of your hiding places La Raza leaders. Come down off your stages, Latino celebrities. Make songs. Springsteen did. Make noise. Stevie Wonder did. Tell the country you will double up your appearances in Florida. Gather the media to show what a true citizen George Zimmerman is. Make known what didn’t come out in the trial, that he was a real friend to many downtrodden blacks. Give them the proof that he is not the racist this mob makes him out to be. Then see how many want to rally in the streets and follow the likes of race baiter Al Sharpton. And lastly, threaten the politicians with the Hispanic vote if the best they can do is what they always do, abandon you and run to the other side where a black is involved.

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william Sterrett
william Sterrett
11 years ago

Hypocrisy has always best been practiced by democrats, and we know the democrat party is nothing more than a cover for progressives, socialists, communists, and other ignorant statism thinking people. The democrats are now being embraced by their republican friends the rinos, croney capitalists, and facists. Ignorance and greed are dangerous things, but work well in conjunction with our dumbed down low information voting population.