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Yeah, what she said!
Yep, what she said…
Voltairine de Cleyre was perhaps the most intellectually potent anarchist America has ever had. Any study of history is nowhere near adequate without a study of her writings and actions, and acquaintances, which are another part of the historical narrative. For some reason she’s kept hidden from history.
Project Gutenberg offers a good selection the writings of de Cleyre.
Also, don’t overlook the works of Lysander Spooner.
GOVERNMENT is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
George Washington
“when you find out who your not allowed to criticize, then you will realize who is in control”.
Voltarine de Cleyre
Thanks again, to all at NC renegade, for all you do!
humans as a whole are incapable and unfit for self governance. look around you…. do it dammit!! they are fat and soft and caught up in diabolical narcissism, unable to see simple fact IN front of them. They have been seduced by a death cult, unable to comprehend the simple word of Yahweh. Led astray by the lust of the flesh. of greed, gluttony and sloth, wrath, lust. and you fools think they could live peacefully in anarchy!?!? the safeguards were not clear enough. Universal suffrage, diversity and Godlessness brought us this mess. The only way out of this mess is hell fire and rivers of blood. Pray fervently for wisdom and discernment, and most of all mercy
So, Michael -- because some people are unfit to manage their own lives, I should be penalized to live under the political authority of creatures who share that same disability in varying degree. No … Hell NO!
“Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, supervision and slavery are perhaps better.” Kent McManigal
Anarchists are like the artists of intellectual thought.
History shows us every house needs to be cleaned out at some point!
Neither big government or anarchy are good extremes, we are at one and facing another.
Allow me to re-phrase or re-interpret your statement:
“Neither cancer-death or robust-health are good extremes …“
How much cancer is good for your body, Lawnmore?
I’m asking for your honest opinion, having recently reviewed the pathology results of an organ biopsy.
I guess we all have a little bit of anarchism in our hearts.
Do it yourself:
[…] short video is for the attention of Michael Hall, who commented on my post “What She Said …“, and for other folks with a similar […]