What’s Wrong With Atheism

Language Warning – there are a few less-than-cordial words is this rant, but they are worth putting up with, given the overall message which he presents.


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J Marshalek
J Marshalek
8 years ago

Thanks for the posting, helps with discussions. I seem to be surrounded by an inordinate amount of Darwinian theologians at the Penn State Medical Center.

8 years ago

What? Where in the Torah instructions does it require that we are to have children for the purpose of a tribes financial success of existence, or to pay the social benefits that are required for living a life? Of course it does not. Men worked and were required to tithe to the Temple 10%, plus some other specific tithes for first borne males, etc.
Lots and taxes were the creation of ruling kings, and of course they advocated that you had lots of children, because they took advantage of knowing that they were the FRUITS and Blessings from their Creator.
Something evil has entered the picture where we have to now ask ourselves, Can I afford to have a child? Do I need to consider having a child to pay for the next generations governmental budget?
This was not our Creators intent for children. Children are not ours, or the governments life chattel or their Eveready batteries in reserve for future replacement of retiring or dying tax payers.
They are HIS!

Yes, this is the reality of our current redistribution society, but consider that it was never our Creators wishes to have us consider having to monetize a lifespan in order for a ruling government to have a perpetual collateral, to then use the funds to control and enslave us.

Perhaps that is a major reason why people are not having children.

8 years ago

Watcher, you are correct, our children are not a bond we issue to finance our future expenses -- they **ARE** our future, and that is God’s design for us, not government’s. Government cannot guarantee us a future, any more than it can give us children. But Gods promises are fulfilled --

For I know the plans which I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.
And you shall call upon Me, and you shall go; and you shall pray to Me, and I shall incline to hear. You shall seek Me, and shall find Me, when you shall seek Me with all your heart.
And I shall be found by you, says the LORD; and I shall bring you back from out of your captivity, and I shall gather you up from among all nations, and from all the places which I have driven you out, saith the LORD; and I shall bring you back from the places to which I have caused you to be carried away as captives.

Thus says the LORD OF HOSTS: behold I shall send upon them the sword, and the famine, and the pestilence: and I will make them like bad figs which cannot be eaten, because they are very bad.
And I shall persecute them with the sword, and with famine, and with the pestilence: and I will give them up unto affliction amongst all the kingdoms of the earth: to be a curse, and an astonishment, and a hissing, and a reproach to all the nations to which I have driven them forth: because they have not hearkened to My words saith the LORD: which I sent to them by My servants the prophets, rising by night and sending: and you have not heard, saith the LORD.
Hear ye therefore the word of the LORD, all ye of the captivity, whom I have driven forth from Jerusalem unto Babylon.
— Jeremiah 29:11~14, 17~20