Yes, the Progressives ARE after your guns …

The Progressive Leftists are serious about civilian disarmament.

A couple of excerpts from the DAILY KOS – 5 October 2015:

What has to go?
All magazine fed, self-loading firearms.
Yes, that means handguns too.
Yes, that includes your 4 shot Remington hunting rifle.

A multi-step plan includes:

We as a nation, will have to let a few things slide, while various agencies supply personnel to work with BATFE Agents.
Yes, a same day, nationwide “I’m here to review your records”.  Close every single gun seller that day, days, or week(s) until the audit is complete.  Sold a hundred guns in your entire existence? We’ll be gone by 4pm today.  Sell a hundred per day?  You can re-open after the end of the year.
It’ll put you out of business?  Impact hunting season and holiday sales? (Which next to DiFi’s failed AWB II is the most money you make in a year?)  That’s sad.
We score that as a win… you and your fellow death merchants can retrain as Baristas.

So, now we have ALL the records scanned… and a comprehensive list of who purchased what gun where.

In their plan they are willing to risk civil war in order to achieve their goal of civilian disarmament:

Act II

Step 1:

Strike a deal with the Republicans.  For public consumption, word it as ambiguously as possible… as was the ACA (just pass it and we’ll find out what’s in it) and stuff it into the next Continuing Resolution.

On this 11th day of December, 2015 this 114th Congress does hereby resolve to instruct the Department of Justice to audit all Federally Licensed Firearm retailers for compliance with 18 USC as condition of their license, and direct all necessary resources to do same.  The Director of the BATFE, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Director of Homeland Security may adopt policies and procedures necessary to effect this Congressional mandate.

About those Republicans:
First, they’re really not that happy with massive civilian gun ownership, they just like the cash from the pro-gun crowd.  

They like the cash from Wall Street, and Corporate America better.

Give Congress the choice between:
a) massive controls on financial transactions, killing their benefactor’s proven-risk derivative market
– or –
b) massive (armed) civil unrest when we pull a Greece and shove a total economic collapse onto the American taxpayer?
Rationed water, electric, heat, food and fuel and a 65% tax on your income.

Everyone other than a Tea Party Republican will choose to eliminate the risk of option b.
The motion will pass.

Step 2:

Federalize (“second”) the National Guard of the respective states. Just as we could send them to war in Iraq, we can deploy them as deputized federal agents. One BATFE agent to 3 or 4 guardsmen.

Step 3:

Go door-to-door with your list of gun purchasers, and get access to the guns. A massive VIPR-like sweep.
No gun? Where is it?
Who has it? Where’s the paperwork? No gun, no paperwork?
You’re coming with us… the weather in Cuba is fine.

Read the full text of the post at the DAILY KOS … remember, they are serious:

Act III. The Shit, hits the fan.

Step 1:  

Eventually, it all comes to a halt.

The Nation awakes to a new reality. Your armed-to-the-teeth white male neighbor, is now gumming on a lone Winchester .30-30.  

The massive number of Guardsmen and Federal Agents go home, taking all the ammunition with them.  “By mistake.”  
“30 Cal M1 or .30-30 Winchester, how the hell should I know?  I’ve only shot a M-16 in Basic. Sarge said ‘get the ammo too, all of it’ and I did.”

No self-loading handguns, shotguns, or rifles exist in lawful civilian hands.

In certain areas, the gunfire continues, as does the presence of Guardsmen, Agents and Police. 

The ROE remains: Take no incoming fire.

This is reminiscent of the behavior and consequences of Lincoln’s war of northern aggression:

“Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer.”   ~ L. Spooner

needle and spoon

Government Good … Need More … Will Fix Everything …

h/t WRSA for the link.

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