Barnhardt: 32 Years Ago, Homosexuality Had To Be Explained on TeeVee Because Many People Did Not Know It Existed


I came across a clip that demonstrates just how intense the propagandizing and normalization of sexual perversion has been over the past few decades.  A lot of people today are young enough that they don’t remember a world in which sexual perversion was so rare, and so rightfully loathed by decent people (actually, it still is loathed by decent people – loathing sexual perversion is a requirement for human decency, it is just the number of decent people remaining that has changed), that it simply wasn’t discussed, and therefore many people simply were not aware of the sickening behaviors that are constantly displayed and glorified in every media genre, and aggressively taught in schools to children.  Yes, that’s right, YOUNG CHILDREN are being taught about sodomitical behaviors in school that just a few decades ago many people did not even know existed in the world.

This clip is from the wildly popular sit-com of the 1980s, “The Golden Girls”.  This particular episode ran in the early fall of ARSH 1986.  I remember it well. I was nine years old at the time, going on ten.  The joke here is that Blanche confuses the words “lesbian” and “Lebanese”.  Stop and think about this.  This adult woman hears the word “lesbian” and doesn’t know what it means.  Furthermore, the Blanche character’s main attribute was the fact that she was a wildly sexually promiscuous widow.  This wasn’t the country-bumpkin character (played by Betty White) who didn’t know the word “lesbian”, this was the uber-worldly slut, Blanche, who wasn’t quite aware of sodomy to the point of knowing the word “lesbian”… AND THIS JOKE WENT OVER WITH NO DIFFICULTY.  For a joke to be funny, there has to be at least a grain of plausibility to it.  This was plausible.


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6 years ago

There is very little, if anything, worth wile to watch on television today. Every show/program has homosexuality in it, in one form or another. And the language used leaves nothing to the imagination. Everything is filth and perversion 24-7. As far as our public education system goes, it is totally useless as far as education goes. Where I live, there are a lot of first generation high school age immigrant students from the Ukraine, Russia, Moldova and other Slavic countries who come to me to educate them about our U.S. Constitution because the schools either are not teaching it or a teaching a liberally biased version of it. I also have two grand nephews, 17 & 16 who cannot read or write cursive. If I correspond with them in writing, I literally have to print every thing. I don’t believe the United States has much longer to exist at the rate we are degenerating.

6 years ago

I agree with you 100%. Also I had read, I dont remember where, that you’re having to print is the very reason they dont teach cursive in school anymore… so kids CANT read it. Lots of old documents, letters, etc are in cursive. Another trick to keep our kids in the dark.

a follower
a follower
6 years ago

man, i did not care for that show. i do not believe homosexuality ‘had’ to be explained on tv.
The Bible gave many of us info on this subject.
In the 80’s many of us knew of this. We had been warned as L.T. might point out.