“Colossal Defeat” For Obama As Australia Joins China’s Regional Bank

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Although the title of the article from Zerohedge equates the actions of Australia as a defeat for Obama, the consequences of the collapse of the dollar will be the second shot heard round the world. Although I believe that the pResident wants to destroy this country, the people will be the ones who will suffer once the yuan replaces the dollar. Whether Obama makes any distinction between the country and the people is anyone’s speculation. I doubt that people have any idea of what the impending economic collapse really means.

Our leaders understand and are complicit. No amount of logic presented to awaken the people here will change the events unfolding until the people start to physically suffer. And it appears that time is now close.

David DeGerolamo


Having attacked its “closest ally” UK for “constant accomodation” with China, we suspect President Obama will be greatly displeased at yet another close-ally’s decision to partner up with the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As The Australian reports, “make no mistake,” the decision by Australia’s Abbott government to sign on for negotiations to join China’s regional bank, foreshadowed by Tony Abbott at the weekend,  “represents a colossal defeat for the Obama administration’s incompetent, distracted, ham-fisted dip­lomacy in Asia.”

As The Australian’s Greg Sheridan writes Op-Ed,

The decision by the Abbott government to sign on for negotiations to join China’s regional bank, foreshadowed by Tony Abbott at the weekend, represents another defeat for Barack Obama’s diplomacy in Asia.


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