Domestic Enemies – Congress and the president

S. 716 signed by President on April 15th, 2013.  As we were distracted by the Boston Marathon. Read the bill to find out what is in it after its passage:

S.716 — To modify the requirements under the STOCK Act regarding online access to certain financial disclosure statements and related forms. (Considered and Passed Senate – CPS)
S 716 CPS

1st Session 
S. 716
To modify the requirements under the STOCK Act regarding online access to certain financial disclosure statements and related forms.

April 11, 2013
Mr. REID introduced the following bill; which was read twice, considered, read the third time, and passed


To modify the requirements under the STOCK Act regarding online access to certain financial disclosure statements and related forms.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) Public, Online Disclosure of Financial Disclosure Forms-

(1) IN GENERAL- Except with respect to financial disclosure forms filed by officers and employees referred to in paragraph (2), section 8(a) and section 11(a) of the STOCK Act (5 U.S.C. App. 105 note) shall not be effective.

(2) EXEMPTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES- The officer and employees referred to in paragraph (1) are the following:

(A) The President.

(B) The Vice President.

(C) Any Member of Congress.

(D) Any candidate for Congress.

(E) Any officer occupying a position listed in section 5312 or section 5313 of title 5, United States Code, having been nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to that position.

(3) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 1 of the Act entitled `An Act to change the effective date for the internet publication of certain information to prevent harm to the national security or endangering the military officers and civilian   employees to whom the publication requirement applies, and for other purposes’ is repealed.

(b) Electronic Filing and Online Availability-     (1) FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AND CANDIDATES- Section 8(b) of the STOCK Act (5 U.S.C. App. 105 note) is amended–

(A) in the heading, by striking `, Officers of the House and Senate, and Congressional Staff’;

(B) in paragraph (1)–

(i) by striking `18 months after the date of enactment of this Act’ and inserting `January 1, 2014′;

(ii) by amending subparagraph (B) to read as follows:

`(B) public access to–/p>

`(i) financial disclosure reports filed by Members of Congress and candidates for Congress,
`(ii) reports filed by Members of Congress and candidates for Congress of a transaction disclosure required by section 103(l) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, and
(iii) notices of extensions, amendments, and blind trusts, with respect to financial disclosure reports described in clauses (i) and (ii),
pursuant to title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.), through databases that are maintained on the official websites of the House of Representatives and the Senate.’;

(C) in paragraph (2)–

(i) by striking the first two sentences; and
(ii) in the last sentence, by striking `under this section’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’;

(D) in paragraph (3), by striking `under this subsection’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’;

(E) in paragraph (4), by inserting `be able to’ after `shall’; and

(F) in paragraph (5), by striking `under this subsection’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’.

(2) FOR EXECUTIVE BRANCH OFFICIALS- Section 11(b) of the STOCK Act (5 U.S.C. App. 105 note) is amended–

(A) in the heading, by striking `Employees’ and inserting `Officials’ ;

(B) in paragraph (1)–

(i) by striking `18 months after the date of enactment of this Act’ and inserting `January 1, 2014′;
(ii) by amending subparagraph (B) to read as follows:

`(B) public access to–

`(i) financial disclosure reports filed by the President, the Vice President, and any officer occupying a position listed in section 5312 or section 5313 of title 5, United States Code, having been nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to that position,
`(ii) reports filed by any individual described in clause (i) of a transaction disclosure required by section 103(l) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, and
`(iii) notices of extensions, amendments, and blind trusts, with respect to financial disclosure reports described in clauses (i) and (ii),
pursuant to title I of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App. 101 et seq.), through databases that are maintained on the official website of the Office of Government Ethics.’;

(C) in paragraph (2)–

(i) by striking the first two sentences; and
(ii) in the last sentence, by striking `under this section’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’;

(D) in paragraph (3), by striking `under this subsection’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’;

(E) in paragraph (4), by inserting `be able to’ after `shall’; and

(F) in paragraph (5), by striking `under this subsection’ and inserting `under paragraph (1)(B)’.

It is clear that our federal government is above the law: their law. People cannot be free in a country with a two-tiered justice system.

David DeGerolamo

h/t Ron

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[…] Now that Congressmen don’t have to fill out disclosure forms anymore, they can get back to telling the rest of us what to do… […]

11 years ago

This would be ideal if you displayed -- and had a source link to -- NC votes!