Have Neomasculinists Rejected Manly Virtues?


by Fran Porretto

Needless to say, you’ll find no neomasculinists on the political Left. Among other things, they abhor confrontation for any reason. They have rejected the manly virtues:

     Two things qualify a masculine homo sapiens as a man:

  • Knowledge of right and wrong, and the willingness to fight for the right;
  • Knowledge of his own obligations, and the willingness to meet them.

A man must learn “where the line is”: the line that separates behavior that must be tolerated from behavior that must not be. He must be willing — personally willing — to fight in defense of the former and against the latter, though it might expose him to risk and cost him injury or death. He must be ready to swallow his distaste and protect the rights even of persons he finds repulsive, if they have harmed no other human being.

A man must learn proportionality and restraint. Biology has optimized the male body for purposive aggression, sudden acceleration and focused violence. These are not things to be deployed in their 200-proof strength against trivial or unworthy targets. A man doesn’t kill the bounder who steals his parking space, his business idea, or his wife. Even a punch in the nose is excessive for infractions like these.


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9 years ago

“And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion…”
“And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.”

The man was made for dominion upon the Earth, as the angels were made for dominion in Heaven; each to serve the Lord in his place and after his fashion, for thus were they fashioned by the Lord.

But today we see most abdicating their duty, many refusing to administer justice in their domain: fathers not requiring obedience and justice in their homes, and from there upwards even to the governing of entire nations by those who have abdicated Just Dominion, who rather prefer base things and attractive trifles, rather than justice and harmony.

We have, indeed, been warned.

Francis W. Porretto
9 years ago

No, no! It’s The Left that has rejected the manly virtues!!!

(All right, so maybe I could have worded the sentence a little more clearly…)