Israel’s New Secret Weapon Unveiled

The reports that Israel has developed a secret weapon that will be used in the upcoming war with Iran has been unveiled. If used, one or more electromagnetic pulses will make this a short but devastating war for Iran. Although the Iranian military has prepared for this contingency by hardening their critical facilities, the rest of the country will suffer the consequences: no electrical power, no communications and no modern conveniences. Most automobiles and buses will be useless and oil production for supporting their economy will be zero.

Under these conditions, the government will collapse as the Iranian people will accept any conditions to restore “civilization”. Also under this scenario, Israel has no need for support from the United States.

David DeGerolamo

‘Israel could send Iran back to Stone Age’

British newspaper Sunday Times has exposed one of the “surprises” the Israel Defense Forces has in store in case of a military strike in Iran.

According to the Sunday morning report, the Jewish state could cripple the Islamic Republic’s power grid with electromagnetic pulses as part of a concerted attack to halt Iran’s military nuclear program, which could “send Iran back to the Stone Age.”

The report, by Uzi Mahnaimi, claims that the possible use of such a weapon has been raised in several quarters as a debate rages among Israel’s politicians about whether a swift strike should be launched against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Bill Gertz, a veteran American defense specialist, is quoted as saying that US intelligence agencies have reported “growing concerns that Israel will conduct a strike on Iran using a high-altitude nuclear burst aimed at disrupting all electronics in the country.”


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12 years ago

It won’t just be Iran, such a pulse could circumnavigate the globe. The problem is the range is not calculable. They don’t know what magnitude to make the EMP to affect only Iran and not it’s neighbors also or it may reach beyond that and even back to Israel and knock out their own electronics. EVEN SO the planes doing the delivery could also be knocked out of the sky and any U.S. navy ships in the area and troops equipment nearby in Kuwait STUPID Israeli military and Moussad they think they are so smart but THEY DON’T KNOW FOR SURE THE MAGNITUDE of such a strike because EVEN IF IT WORKED. How do they contain Russia and China from entering the conflict. vis-a-vis WW 3. when that happens. it will be ICBM’s and Nuclear sub’s delivering their payload all over the earth, and especially to Israel.


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