Meanwhile, Watch the Other Hand

obama-burn-constitution(TalkingPointsMemo) A proposal by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to ban certain assault weapons and high-capacity magazines will be excluded from a Democratic-led gun reforms package expected to reach a full Senate vote in the coming weeks, Feinstein’s office tells TPM.

The decision by Democratic leaders, first reported by Politico, reflects that despite White House support, the assault weapons ban’s climb to Senate passage may be too steep.

The bill passed the Judiciary Committee last week on a 10-8 party line vote.


Watch the other hand, folks – this may sound like a victory, but what they leave IN the bill is far more important than what they “give up”.  The enemy will never cease in their underhanded efforts to eradicate our Natural Rights as outlined in the Constitution.

~Those who abuse Liberty, sentence themselves to death!

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