Obama: America Must Make Muslims Feel More Comfortable

Barack Obama, in a column for the Los Angeles Times, tries to explain his position regarding the “threat” facing the United States, mentioning al Qaeda, ISIL, the massacres at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon, but in the process, reveals his Marxist leanings, his refusal to acknowledge the religious nature of the threat, his belief in the racism of the United States against Muslims, and ironically, his agreement with George W. Bush that regime change is the answer to the global threat.

Obama begins with his usual self-puffery: “The United States has made significant gains against terrorism. We’ve decimated the core al Qaeda leadership, strengthened homeland security and worked to prevent another large-scale attack like 9/11.”

But facts, as they say, are stubborn things, so Obama immediately segues to reality: “At the same time, the threat has evolved.” He lists terrorists’ actions around the globe, and naturally avoids naming the common thread:

The al Qaeda affiliate in Yemen actively plots against us. Since 9/11, terrorists have murdered U.S. citizens overseas, including in the attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Here in the United States, Americans have been killed at Ft. Hood and during the Boston Marathon. In Syria and Iraq, the terrorist group we call ISIL has slaughtered innocent civilians and murdered hostages, including Americans, and has spread its barbarism to Libya with the murder of Egyptian Christians. In recent months, we’ve seen deadly attacks in Ottawa, Sydney, Paris and Copenhagen. Elsewhere, the Pakistan Taliban massacred more than 100 schoolchildren and their teachers. From Somalia, al-Shabaab has launched attacks across East Africa. In Nigeria and neighboring countries, Boko Haram kills and kidnaps men, women and children.

Not a whisper of the one commonality of the murderers. Instead, he writes, “Groups like al Qaeda and ISIL promote a twisted interpretation of religion that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims.”



If I were to say that all Muslims must die, I could be guilty of a hate crime according to your laws. When Muslims say all infidels must die, your pResident states this is not Islam: Islam is a religion of peace. Wake up America, the enemy is staring you in the face. (hint: look at the above picture).

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

Yep..The peaceful muslims aren’t following the Quran to the letter.