Patriot Nurse: Get Your House In Order NOW! — The Supreme Court

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Kathleen aka Patriot Mom
Kathleen aka Patriot Mom
9 years ago

You are right on. Thank you.

You Know It
You Know It
9 years ago

Tens of millions think the same way -- the MSM just acts otherwise for mind control and manipulation. We can pull together and arrest the miscreant leaders and bring them to justice for their anti-constitutional ways. it’s time to reform a more perfect union.

9 years ago

I have to wonder just what “spirit” Patriot nurse is encouraging to “make right”, and include as a part of our preparations. The problem is that wearing crystals hanging from your neck, and NEVER naming the “spirit” that you worship, IS just at the root of protecting the evil she is trying to ID. It is the false practice of “spiritual idolatry and schisms” that got us where we are today as a country.
Lost and confused! Just another one of hundreds of thousands of golden calves falsely, either in HIS name or falsely to some other man-made god!
What we now have and are living amongst the earth here today, IS the result of Spiritual DISEASE.
It has been a multi-generational practice and curse, and a slow and steady shifting to almost completely ignore TORAH Law and to adopt evil and false religions, based upon a sieve of self-centered idolatry and easy gratification, all embedded into a new improved but totally false, new age religion of dogmatic words and laws and practices. All man made, not by the LAW of YHVH. Man rewrites history and his own religious law. NOT YHVH.

Bernadette O'Shaughnessy

We have ‘leaders’ who are totally without ethics or morals-just look at John Bohner! tOTAL TRASH!

9 years ago

You have stated what the Christian population is saying,an thinking. THANK YOU.