Plant has not produced a single battery designed by lab where Obama spoke Friday, IG reports

Obama speech at Argonne National Laboratory / AP

President Barack Obama touted a plan to step up green energy subsidies on Friday at an Energy Department laboratory that critics say is emblematic of the government’s failure to succeed with taxpayer-funded green energy projects.

The University of Chicago-based lab where Obama spoke has partnered with a company to develop batteries for electric vehicles. However, the stimulus-funded manufacturing facility that was supposed to produce the batteries—themselves the product of stimulus subsidies for research and development—has yet to furnish a single one.

The president’s green energy proposal calls for using revenues from oil and gas lease sales to fund an additional $2 billion in subsidies for green energy projects.

Obama outlined the plan in more detail at a speech Friday afternoon at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory at the University of Chicago, which received more than $200 million in stimulus subsidies and contracts for electric vehicle research, among other projects.


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11 years ago

Exactly…your monies “are gone”. And there is no getting them back from all of these fraudulent “green energy” scams. All that is *left* to do is go after the politicians who knowingly funded the con job --
…repeat until clean!



[…] Plant has not produced a single battery designed by lab where Obama spoke Friday, IG reports […]