A State Can Never Lead … in search of William Wallace

David laments “I Thought Texas Would Show Us The Way” and expresses hope that South Carolina might lead the way to rekindle our American spirit.

While acts of a body politic may reflect the combined will of a people, spirit and leadership are always attributes of an individual.

The mechanism of State can only amplify the attributes of an individual.  Look at the POTUS, an individual whose philosophy and message are being amplified to the detriment of Liberty.

In response to his presence and influence, the several States are embracing Facism with little concern for the long term effect on their people:

Conjoining government with private corporations is commonly referred to as ‘crony capitalism,’ ‘public-private partnerships,’ ‘corporatism’ and now ‘Benefit Corporations.’

Benefit Corporations are a new class of corporation that are required to create a material positive impact on society and the environment and to meet higher standards of accountability and transparency. Model legislation was drafted by Bill Clark from Drinker Biddle & Reath.”

Packaged in the same rhetoric we hear from Obama, it begs the question, “Accountability and transparency to whom?”

Governors and State Legislatures who enact the Benefit Corporation Legislation either condone the transformation of America, or they are ignorant sheeple who are too dumb to hold elected office. Either way, it is up to us, the people, to educate them and find at least one representative in each state who will introduce new legislation to make Benefit Corporations and Sustainable Development/Agenda 21 null and void. Then, for those who do not support abolishing the Benefit Corporations and Sustainable Development/Agenda 21, we must organize and support the candidate who is running against them so that we can kick their butts out of office.

Fascist states and city:

  • NEW YORK (Unanimously passed State Senate and Assembly; awaiting Governor’s signature)

States that are in the Fascist pipe-line:


From Gulag Bound: Legislating Fascism

North Carolina … I am ashamed to see our name on this list.

And I continue to look for the individual(s), outside the ruling class of either party, who will inspire men and help them develop the courage to RESIST:



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13 years ago

A state can lead if they secede again and give the people back their individuality, freedom, property with the associated rewards of personal responsibility.

13 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I know I’m picking a semantic nit …

The act of secession is the ‘State-amplified’ popular response to the spirit and leadership of one (or at most a very few) individual(s).

South Carolina secession, “the first to act” on 20 Dec. 1860, was a State response to the sentiment inspired by John C. Calhoun, who in turn was inspired by the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson.

(We’re really on the same page here.)

13 years ago
Reply to  Hans

I know. I feel like we are dancing on the head of a pin trying to not state the obvious.


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