All of Us Can Remove the Chains of Tyranny

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6 years ago

“We have been conditioned since birth to accept and consent to some form of man made authority. Our founding fathers never dreamed that the people of today would accept feudalism without concern.

“The question each of you should be asking yourself at this moment is: “Given the American proposition that sovereignty resides in the people, as individuals, from where did any legislature acquire the supreme right to make laws that can force obligations and violate the rights of private people?”

“The act of withdrawing consent removes the obligation to submit to legislative authority.

“Withdrawal of consent restores all that was compromised or aliened by the former social compact, parts of which were clearly implemented by fraud.

“In so doing, men become morally free to resist all forms of coercion with retaliatory force – in all domains of life. To the extent of one’s courage, any man may once again enjoy rightful liberty.”