Delegates to an Article V Convention Can’t be Controlled by State Laws!


By Publius Huldah

Our Declaration of Independence (2nd para) sets forth our long forgotten Founding Principles that:

♦  All men are created equal.

♦  Rights come from God.

♦  People create governments to secure God-given rights. The first three words of our Constitution throw off the European model where political power originates with the State; and establish the new Principle that WE THE PEOPLE are the “pure, original fountain of all legitimate political authority” (Federalist No. 22, last sentence).

♦  When a government seeks to take away our God given rights, we have the right to alter, abolish, or throw off that Form of government.

These are the Principles which justified our Revolution against a King.

These are also the Principles which permit us today to throw off our Form of government by discarding our existing Constitution and replacing it with another one. This is why the language at Article V of our Constitution, which authorizes Congress to call a convention “for proposing amendments”, does not restrict Delegates to merely “proposing amendments”: Delegates are invested with that inherent pre-existing sovereign right, recognized in our Declaration, to abolish our existing Form of government (our Constitution) and propose a new Constitution.


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Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

Thank you for posting this. It is so important that our People come to understand that once the Delegates are seated, they are vested with that inherent sovereign right to throw off our Form of government (Our Constitution of 1787) and propose a new one with its own new mode of ratification.

9 years ago

P Huldah had her Facebook page eliminated on Friday……

Her stand against a Levin/Establishment pushed Article V must be working..

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I gave a speech a week ago tonight in central Florida on the dangers of Article V and how those pushing for a convention are not telling the Truth. The COS operatives/useful idiots in the audience were foaming at the mouth in rage…..

One of them went around loudly complaining about my name .. .

9 years ago

ever debated Levin?

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

Michael Farris has REFUSED to debate me. But if Mark Levin is man enough to do it, I’ll agree! But so far, I don’t know that Levin has publicly recognized my existence -- unless I am the Kook he refers to from time to time…

I think Levin ought to read my Paper here and respond to it point by point:

Show me where I am wrong….

9 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

What he has done is mock John Birch Society and has told his audience to
ignore the few who are challenging his, Soros, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Alex Jones etc etc push for a Constitution changing Con Con……

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago
Reply to  Rich

I can’t understand how anyone with a brain can “like” Mark Levin.

9 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

and there you go. a progressive libetarian slap at conservatives.

9 years ago
Reply to  bean

if this so called conservative was what he claims
to be -- he would invite debate……

P Huldah is far from a progressive..please