Dr. Ada Fisher’s Response Concerning the YouTube Video: Corruption at the RNC Convention

I sent Dr. Fisher the following email based on the YouTube video concerning Rule 16 at the RNC convention:

Dr. Fisher,

I received this information concerning Rule 16 at the convention. Since you are mentioned in the summary on YouTube, you may want to address why you did not show up as mentioned by the writer. I have a high opinion of you and your ethics and do not believe that your actions were done as portrayed in this piece.



David DeGerolamo

This is her response:

I am not on YouTube and don’t do social media well so please forward this to the parties sending this out and the others.  I did not call any meeting as that was not my role as the Committeewoman for the RNC from North Carolina.  At our morning State GOP breakfast on August 27th I was first apprised of some dissatisfaction regarding a rule 15a and 15b which I knew nothing about as it did not come up during the previous week’s RNC meeting.  I promised people there that I would look into it.  Chairman Hayes called the meeting and I was not there because I went to the brief opening of the Republican National Convention  with NC GOP Vice Chairman Wayne King as a show of support for the RNC, to try to find members of the rules committee to discuss the concerns raised and to discuss with the chair a few other matters.  So here it is as I saw it.

-the Rules Committee of the RNC had proposed a change in rules 12 and 16 (not 15a and 15b) and other sections; however, I nor Chairman Hayes nor Representative Lewis had been given these rules.  Morton Blackwell of Virginia who sits on the RNC had passed out a flyer regarding his opposition to such.

-at the RNC gathering on the 27th I had a chance to briefly talk to Mr. Blackwell and a few others on the rules committee as well as expressed my opposition to the changes in 16 as initially written.  The committee advising legal counsel was made well aware of my opposition to the initial proposal.  A revision of section 16 was done which passed in the convention by a majority of voices to my ear though the opposing voices seemed small in number though audibly loud.

I was not at the state meeting of the 27th as stated on your YouTube message; but all the other information from my vantage is erroneous and mistakenly paints the issues as they aren’t.  In my opinion three issues are in question and to date will likely be the subject of on-going discussions:

1.  When are primaries to be held and what penalties are to be invoked for violating the dates given? This year several states including Florida lost delegates for moving their primaries up. If every state is allowed to do as it wants, we would end up with a national primary day which would be devastating to smaller states that would not get a chance to have candidates campaign there.  NC is a small state.  This system helped us be a battleground state and a voice to be heard this year. The system of penalties and date of primaries is one previously agreed to by the Democratic and Republican parties.
2.  For states having proportional delegates, what is there to bind the delegate to the wish of a voter. You cannot let folks willy nilly get to a convention and decide they aren’t going to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged. The changes to the rule make it so that people must vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged.  If that candidate drops out, then that candidate must release that delegate and after reviewing the primary vote the chairman of the party in consultation with the RNC will decide what happens to that vote.
3.  The right of a presumptive candidate to control any uncast votes prior to his/her election or selection as the candidate was of concern to all.

The RNC is not a rubber stamp for a candidate or others though some have inferred it is.  I have my say whether people want to hear it or not and I must say that I don’t always prevail though I win more times than I lose.

The hidden question is also what do a minority of people do when they lose a vote.  I say it depends on the nature of the issue.  I can live with the rewriting of rule 16 and I went to each of those I knew who opposed it in the NC delegation as originally revised to tell them what happened.  I also asked if they didn’t like the revision to please give me their best thinking on a revision which I would consider proposing in the future; however, we’ve got a candidate to elect Mitt Romney for President and races to run for our ticket.  Defeating Obama is now again my first priority and we should not forget that!

The delay in my getting back to you is because I just returned from Florida at 8:30pm.  I am tired and will not respond further on this issue in public.  NC Republicans know how to reach me and know that I am always open to a response from them.

Ada M. Fisher, MD, MPH
NC Republican National Committeewoman

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12 years ago

Bong! The death knell. This is the most disgusting convention in history. If anyone still has any doubts about the motives and intentions of both “parties” they are a dolt. The only fix is burning it to the ground. -55six

12 years ago

Cognitive dissonance reigns supreme in the cranium of the “Stupid Party”.

(1) Ethical chest beating:

The RNC is not a rubber stamp for a candidate …”

(2) Followed shortly by statement of action devoid of principle:

… we’ve got a candidate to elect … and we should not forget that!

Good decision, Ada, to not defend the GOP rules change in public.

12 years ago

Dr. Fisher --
>The changes to the rule make it so that people must vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged. If that candidate drops out, then that candidate must release that delegate and after reviewing the primary vote the chairman of the party in consultation with the RNC will decide what happens to that vote.

In 2008 the delegates from NC didn’t have a say in how their votes were recorded. Sen. Richard Burr went to the microphone and stated that all votes from NC went to McCain. This year the duly elected delegates weren’t asked who their votes should go to… someone in the NCGOP apparently just made that decision for them. So I have to ask this question: Why have delegates at all if the RNC is going to simply cast the votes for the chosen nominee?

You have also conveniently skipped over the new RNC amendment to rule 12 which essentially makes the NCGOP powerless. Why have an NCGOP when the RNC can change any rule at any time to override the will of the NCGOP?

The RNC has circled the wagons in order to protect the candidates and politicians who agree with the neoconservative foreign policy of interventionism, and they’ve left the NCGOP outside of the circle. Fear has spread over the RNC, and the fear is that the neoconservatives are going to lose more states, just as they lost Maine, Nevada, Iowa, and several others. NC might be next, so the leadership of the NCGOP decided to give up liberty for protection and give the RNC absolute power. Some of us understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and others are part of the corruption.

12 years ago

We attended the gavel drop on Monday, and returned with haste to attend the meeting that was surely the only important business handled by our NC delegation. This is the grit and moxy that separate true patriots from armchair activists. For Liberty, we have much work to be done still.

NC delegate

12 years ago
Reply to  terbo

A lot of folks ask, “If delegates are free to vote as they wish, why then do we have primaries?”

May I answer this with a few simple questions,

Why then do we have delegates?

Why are we not a pure democracy, but rather a Republic?

Why did the Founders establish a system of Electoral College?

The answer is simple…..

To prevent an uninformed electorate manipulated by partisan politics and the agenda of the media from ushering in tyranny by way of popular vote.

We did not run as delegates to be cheerleaders, we went to do work and restore our Republic. When we witnessed an unprecedented shift in the cherished bottom up grassroots organization of the power structure, we stood up in the face of manipulation and threats, to hold true to our principles. We did not do this for ourselves, nay, we did this for our future as a free nation. The freedom of our nation is not ensured and in the event that truth prevails and integrity is restored, our fight will have only just begun. It is indeed true that government, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

12 years ago

Dr. Fisher’s response is problematic and refuses to address key issues. While I will not critique every flaw in her response I will note the following:

1.) She wrote, “Morton Blackwell of Virginia who sits on the RNC had passed out a flyer regarding his opposition to such.” Mr. Blackwell is on the Rules Comm. of the RNC and has served on the RNC for many years. Dr. Fisher also failed to mention that a bus with Mr. Blackwell and other VA delegates was intentionally diverted by the bus driver. All of these delegates including the author of the minority report that OPPOSED the rule changes, Mr. Balckwell, were prevented from attending this meeting.
2.) She also wrote, “A revision of section 16 was done which passed in the convention by a majority of voices to my ear though the opposing voices seemed small in number though audibly loud.” How does she mystically ascertain that the opposition, “seemed small in number though audibly loud.” MANY called for division, i.e, for a count but there request was ignored.
3.) She ignores or was ignorant that John Boehner was reading from a teleprompter -- there was NO real vote -- the result was predetermined.

To read a brief article with videos that expose this corruption please go to