If Trump Accomplishes This One Thing, He Will Save the Republic

The corruption of our law enforcement and judiciary through judicial activism has led to the loss of Liberty in the Republic. Although most people do not understand asset forfeiture, judicial activism and making people “compose” stories in exchange for staying out of prison, it is a fact that has led to a two-tiered justice system. If President Trump can correct the rule of law to back our founding principles, he will save the Republic and be the first President since Jefferson to stop the federal Deep State.

David DeGerolamo


Is Trump Right About “Flipping”?

In the wake of the federal criminal conviction of former Trump official Paul Manafort and the guilty plea in federal court of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, the mainstream press is singing the praises of special prosecutor (and former FBI Director) Robert Mueller and the Justice Department.

In the process, Trump’s critics are condemning his denunciation of “flipping,” the process by which federal prosecutors offer a sweet deal to criminal defendants in return for testifying against a “higher-up” who the feds are also prosecuting. The press and the anti-Trumpsters say that such a practice is part of the “rule of law” and essential to the proper administration of justice.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Whatever else might be said about Trump, he is absolutely right on this point. The process of offering sweetheart deals to people in return for their “cooperation” to get someone else convicted has long been one of the most corrupt aspects of the federal criminal-justice system, especially as part of the federal government’s much-vaunted (and much-failed) war on drugs.


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