If Voting Isn’t the Answer, What Is?

Last Saturday, while tending a booth at the Sensible Mountain Preparedness Seminar, I wore my America’s Remedy “Voting IS NOT the answer” t-shirt. As is usually the case with this t-shirt, I was asked the following question on more than one occasion: “If voting isn’t the answer, what is?”

It isn’t too surprising to get such a question. After all, most people today believe that the only way to fight for anything in this country is to get someone elected to office. And in a time of such economic and moral chaos, now is the time to vote, vote, vote….right?

So how do I respond to this question. Well, I’ll tell you what I told every person who asked me. The answer is… rather than “requesting rights” from a man or woman whom we elect to office, we should realize that our rights are God given and inherent, and assert them! We don’t need to “change” the laws, but should begin determining the constitutionality of those laws which are so enforced. We owe no allegiance or obedience to laws which defy the Constitution. In fact, it is actually our duty to disobey laws which violate it.

To me, it now seems incredibly simple and obvious. This is the way the system was designed! Electing an individual isn’t going to “change” anything except perhaps the point at which we reach total annihilation. Who has more power to change things — one guy in office trying to represent everyone’s point of view, or 300,000 bold state citizens who are asserting their right to lawful, constitutional government?

If people want to turn this country around, we’re going to have to take responsibility for this rapid decline and actually DO what is right, rather than first asking legislators for permission. The mainstream misleadia uses the term “lawmakers” to describe politicians. WE THE PEOPLE are the lawmakers! We have to realize this. Fear, complacency, apathy, these all stand in our way. If we know what type of government that we want, then why do we continue participating in one which has been overthrown? It’s easy. It’s convenient. But is it RIGHT? Did our founders sound like folks who would have just “settled” for voting? Was our independence won in a voting booth? No. Voting is not the answer. Never has been and never will be. We must do as the founders did and assert our right to lawful, constitutional, provable government.

If you agree with this concept and want to spread the word, boy do I have great news for you! You can buy your own “Voting IS NOT the answer” t-shirt right here! Better yet, if you not only agree but would like to better educate yourself and others about rights, the Constitution, citizenship, and states’ rights, contact myself or John Ainsworth to schedule a short 2-hour presentation in YOUR area. Get a group of friends together and make a day of it! I PROMISE that you’ll learn something you didn’t know before.

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Michael Frisbee
13 years ago

Not “not voting” is no answer either.

I grant you are correct in your surmation regarding unconstitutional laws and such. But the Constitution also outlines the methods to remove a bad legislator, and that’s through elections.

The elections process is not so much the problem, but the two main parties that seek to subvert and control the process and what candidates Americans choose from. Add to that both parties no longer represent truly American and Constitutional principles and values.

There is only two ways to take back control of the process and have a say in who is on that general ballot each November.

1. Educate citizens to the true power of the precinct, organize teams, and seek to take the precinct captain (committeemen, president, executive, etc) for your precinct. There’s actually two, one in each party. A coordinated effort of citizens in a precinct could gain control of both posts in the parties. A county wide organized group could effective take a majority control of the executive committees of both parties. They would have the power to nominate and elect leaders who abide by the Constitution and hold traditional conservative values. They would have the power to nominate like-minded people as delegates for their state party conventions, on both sides.

These majorities in both county party’s would then be able to lift up Constitutional candidates -- that’s where #2 comes in.

2. Massive Get Out the Vote campaign during PRIMARIES. On average -- about 12% of the registered voters across the country participate in their local primary process. This is madness, because it is only in the primary we have the chance to CHOOSE the right candidate to be on that November ballot. If you do not participate, how can you complain at all about not having a good candidate to vote for on a general ballot election.

If we can find good Constitutional candidates to lift up and challenge an incumbent legislator that has failed to abide by the Constitution as well as listen to his/her constituents, then we need to really roll out our efforts to get as many people educated and involved in the primary process to get that candidate on the general ballot and remove any chance of the incumbent to continue on to a possible re-election.

If we cannot get involved in that process -- if we won’t get involved in that process -- we have pretty much no shot to ever resolving the problem in Congress. It will take time, we did not get into this mess just over the past 2 years -- this has been coming thanks to a pretty much apathetic citizenry over the past 40-50 years.

13 years ago

I am not disagreeing with you but I want to point out that Glen Bradley is the only Constitutional representative in our General Assembly. All ten of his submitted legislation were buried by the Republican Elite now running our state. Firearms and interstate commerce: trashed in committee. Farmers Freedom Act and Employment Opportunity -- trashed.
