Israel’s Preemptive Sudanese Strike

Israel leveled the Yarmouk military plant complex in Sudan as a preemptive strike against Iranian missile production. This long range missile has the ability to reach Israel from Iran or the Sudan.

Iran fires missile capable of hitting Israel

(July 3 2012) Iran test-fired a ballistic missile capable of striking Israel as part of war games designed to show its ability to retaliate if attacked, media said.

The Shahab-3 has a range of up to 1,200 miles, which means it is theoretically able to hit Israel.

I wonder what vice-president Biden will have to say about this strike as Iran expands its weapons manufacturing base throughout the Middle East.

David DeGerolamo

The bombed Sudanese factory produced Iranian Shehab missiles

Sudanese missile factory in flames

Sudanese missile factory in flames

The Yarmouk Complex of military plants near Khartoum, which was bombed five minutes after midnight Wednesday, Oct.  24, by four fighter-bombers, recently went into manufacturing Iranian ballistic surface-to-surface Shehab missiles under license from Tehran, DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources disclose. Western intelligence sources have not revealed what types of Shehab were being turned out in Sudan but they believe the Yarmouk’s output was intended to serve as Tehran’s strategic reserve stock in case Iran’s ballistic arsenal was hit by Israeli bombers.

The Israeli Air Force has a long record of pre-emptive attacks for destroying an enemy’s long-range missiles in the early stages of a conflict. In June 2006, for instance, the IAF destroyed 90 percent of Hizballah’s long-range missiles in the first hours of the Lebanon war.

Videos of the explosions caused in the air raid over Sudan showed large quantities of phosphorus flares in the sky suggesting that a large stockpile was demolished along with the manufacturing equipment.

Western sources did not divulge information about the comings and goings of Iranian missile specialists or whether the Bashir government had given Tehran permission to stage attacks from Sudan against Middle East targets, in return for the allotment of a number of missiles to the Sudanese army. All they would say is that the complex’s structures had been completely leveled by the aerial bombardment and subsequent fire.


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