It Is Time for A Frank Discussion

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Everything that is impacting our lives can be simplified into one question that we must address:

Why is the government destroying the country?

I want to address five points to make this case:

1. Culture

Our country’s strength has always been diversity that is united in a common set of beliefs and principles. A Divided States of America would never have achieved the success of the Great Experiment. But that is well known. In order to destroy the country, it must be divided. As our rulers are dividing our culture. Black against white. Poor against rich. Democrat against Republican. Muslim against Christian. An unending list promulgated daily to ensure our division and the destruction of our unified culture. Would anyone care to defend the administration’s two-tiered justice system? Would anyone care to defend the government’s support of Black Lives Matter?

2. Economy

Our economy and stock markets are manipulated by the Federal Reserve and the financial industry. Anyone playing devil’s advocate would dismiss this statement based on the value of the New York Stock Exchange. The reality is a collapsed economy buoyed by government stimulus, entitlements, workfare and manipulated reports. We only have to look at the Baltic Dry Index, trucking figures and retail sales to see the truth. The government cannot manipulate the unemployment rate by reducing the workforce for much longer. The cost of healthcare has gutted the finances of the working class. Would anyone care to defend the illegal imposition of a health care tax that has increased premiums over 40%?

3. Military

Our military leadership has been gutted by the current administration. There are several explanations for this policy:

a. The administration is afraid of a military coup.

b. The administration is purposely exposing the country to foreign attacks.

c. The administration is setting up a shadow government to stage its own coup.

Would anyone care to defend the administration’s current immigration plan to import young Muslim males and settle them throughout the country? Would anyone care to defend the administration’s current open border policy?

4. Religion

This country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles. The government has taken the Christian religion from every aspect of our lives. The pResident even vilifies Christians as bitter clingers. A planned Muslim invasion of our country is now exposed. I can only surmise their plan is to instigate civil unrest to impose martial law. Would any care to defend the current administration’s viewpoint on religion?

5. Morality

The republic is meant for a moral people. If we are not moral, the republic will fall. Consider the government’s positions on:

a. homosexuality

b. same sex marriage

c. underage sex education with parental permission

d. abortion

No moral nation would butcher their babies and sell the parts. There has been some outcry from our rulers, but the bottom line is the government is still funding Planned Parenthood.

The facts are plain: the government is not the country. The government is not representing the people. The states have ceded power to the Federal government. If the people are the country and the government is its creation, then the solution is clear. Only the courage and honor is your heart is setting the time frame for the inevitable.

David DeGerolamo

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John Kummer
John Kummer
9 years ago

God bless you, David. You are as one crying in the wilderness. We may have already lost the demographic battle, but we will win I’m the end! I love this country. I served her and my countrymen for most of my adult life. Yet, I know that America, or no America, Messiah Yeshua will return to rule and reign!
Shalom in Him, John in Sylva

CA Warrior
CA Warrior
9 years ago
Reply to  John Kummer

Thank you JK. I am not afraid because like you I know the ending: God Wins.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Agree 100%


[…] NC Renegade has some answers. […]

craigslistrr O
9 years ago

David speaks truth…. And good men still do nothing. We desperately need leadership.

9 years ago
Reply to  craigslistrr O

Craigslister, our “leadership” candidates are chosen and nurtured by the Democrats, establishment Republicans and the media. All others are shunned, condemned and ridiculed, until they fade away into the ether.

As for “good men doing nothing”, the Second Amendment and the willingness of good men to use it against those that violate the Oath of Office and those that support them, will be the only resurrection of this once great nation.

Our law enforcement, from top to bottom, would spend every penny and use every resource to hunt down and kill anyone trying to defend our Constitution. On the other hand, they scarf doughnuts and whine about pension benefits when it comes down to enforcing laws, on the books, against those corrupt politicos who are destroying the nation.

If you can figure a way around that conundrum let me know.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

At the risk of bringing up a sensitive subject….

These United States was in fact 90% White until 1965 when Ted’s effort to destroy the country was passed while assuring the us it would not change the makeup of the country. Prior to that time immigration was tightly controlled to preserve what had been a quite successful experiment.

My point it that the founders and most people understood the characteristics as well as the necessities of a successful culture and civilization. They recognized and accepted that people have differences and some peoples are so different as to be a bit problematic when it comes to offering a benefit and or assimilating into a society.

It seems at this point we now deny these things and prefer a more egalitarian/communist view of the different peoples. In fact even the Statue of Liberty has now been co-opted from it’s original meaning, shinning the light of liberty and for the world to see it’s benefit. Now it is seen as a wide open flood gate through which everyone must be welcomed. It simply has not, does not, and will not work short of the return of Christ who will rule over all.

So while I understand the idea behind point 1 I must ask if some historical or recent examples of societies or countries who have opened their countries up to just about anyone who wants to come and succeeded. It would seem this is especially true of a republic such as ours where there is a real risk of the founding group and their children being disinherited and ruled by people with whom they share no common bond.

My prayer is that the intent of my post will be understood in the manner it was offer. It should not be taken as justification for infringement upon the rights of anyone else but rather as an effort to provide the best circumstance that they may be protected for all.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago
Reply to  Average Joe

Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.

Thomas Jefferson

Francis W. Porretto
9 years ago

— “The facts are plain: the government is not the country.” —

Indeed. In point of fact, from the unambiguous evidence, the government is at war with the country…and unless the rest of us unclog our ears and our brains and accept that fact, we will be subjugated to a degree ISIS would only admire.

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago

I agree with the author and know that unless WE stand we will be crushed. The way we stand, will make the difference between “winning” and “losing’, so great care must be taken. But one Question as a side and direct answer to, “When can we call B.O the Enemy?” could use an answer. Does anyone know what “sect” of Islam was B.O. trained in while in Indonesia as a young man, Sunni or Shiite? This might help explain (or at least suggest) why he is more supportive of Iran vs Egypt, for example.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

I think we have been calling him the enemy. He is part of the government and the government for a very long time has been the enemy. obama is just another tool playing his part in a very old plan.

Bruce A Wineman
Bruce A Wineman
9 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

I DO NOT reject your point but would like to point out that there has been a lot of posturing concerning B.O. being stupid by the Conservative Talk Radio people with the “Microphone”. We do not have that “Microphone” but we can try to stay on target. What was his training in Islam? This may cast some light on why this, cunning, manipulative, person may be moving in the direction he has and continues to do. Can anyone supply that bit of information?

9 years ago

The vast majority of Indonesians are Sunni, as was the madrassa Obama trained in (in fact Wahabi).

I think this line of thought is a little misleading, however. Lacking a better analogy, I think of Obama as a “secular Islamists”. The “political” aspects of Islam is his calling, not the “religious” aspects.

9 years ago

— “The facts are plain: the government is not the country.” —

Agreed. The government is not the country; and more importantly, the government cannot dictate to the country what it shall be.

Certainly the government has coddled and manipulated, and through erosion and decomposition it has weakened our country to the breaking point. But still, the government is not the country, and it cannot break the country, try as it might. But it appears that the government is willing to break itself in the attempt to inexorably change the country into something it is not…

But the ultimate failure of the government to fundamentally change the country into one particular thing, is not protection against the inescapable fact that we have been changed into *something* other than we were. The road to real recovery will be a long one, and we shall never again be quite what we were before; but we can heal, and we can regain our strength, if we have the will and determination to do so.

And, ultimately, G_d shall judge us on what we choose to be; both as individuals, and as a nation. Our place is only as certain as our faith, and our will to live it out:

“And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.” Matthew 3:9


Piper Michael
9 years ago

Thank you sir,
It is indeed refreshing to see that somebody else sees the nature of ‘Fundamental Transformation’. It is not just a political agenda of ideologies, but a racist and religious agenda to wipe out WASP culture, in preparation for something more sinister.
It is clear to me now, with the perspective of years, to see the evil under the surface of all our so called leaders, red and blue, black and white. There is now, as there has always been, The Haves vs The Have nots. So shall it be again when Islam destroys the West.
It is all tied up in the meaning of; BABYLON The GREAT, The Harlot and the Beast, and the statue of Nebuchanezzar that is brought down by a rock that falls from the sky, ‘unhewn by human hands’.
I believe the Clue within, is that Rock… it is The Kaaba, the Rock at the center of Islam.

Prophecy, could not be properly understood, until The Time.
The Spirit speaks to all men, but only if you have ‘eyes that see, and ears that hear’.
Unfortunately, our national sins are based in one thing alone, our worship of money; Mammon.
The people of God, The Chosen, the Lost ten tribes, the Caucasian race, is, Israel, but we reject that notion simply because we hate ‘Jooos’, and we reject that because we don’t want to be associated with them, instead of being PROUD that we rejected their God and their LAW. This enmity goes back thousands of years, and is the biggest reason prophecy is closed to our understanding as our preachers see ‘through a glass darkly’, because, for the most part, they have taken the thirty pieces of 501c3 silver… they compete with science, and our children have fallen to the godless, while the Churches are dying during this; The Great Falling Away.

We have lost our moral authority, and we have sewn the wind, now we reap the whirlwind.
There is only one way to win, and that is to become Crusaders, real Crusaders, the only way we can, by following God and not Mammon, by ‘coming out of her’, and ‘go into the wilderness’. To leave The System, and create our own system of families and houses, we can no longer ‘wait upon the Lord’, for that is not what He said nor what He wants… He wants Justice and Joy for His people, and that is accomplished by the Way of the Warrior, the Meek Warrior, sell your coat and buy a sword, to ‘turn the tables on the money changers’.

All of prophecy is connected, they all come to the same conclusion; Evil runs the World, depart from it. There will be no free tickets to paradise nor any Rapture, read the words of the Lord and not interpreters.

9 years ago
Reply to  Piper Michael

“they have taken the thirty pieces of 501c3 silver.” Well said. Our church’s are silent because they don’t want to lose their non-profit status. That is a sin and they will have to explain themselves to our Lord. Shame on them. They should be shouting themselves hoarse about abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriage…everything against God’s Word.

Paul X
9 years ago

“A Divided States of America would never have achieved the success of the Great Experiment. But that is well know.”

Well, they wouldn’t have been able to become the cops of the world, I’ll grant you that. But sorry, I prefer 50 Americas over one gigantic, bureaucratized, homogenized one.

Our financial problems go back a lot farther than Obamacare; 1913 was the year of our real downfall -- if it wasn’t 1787…

Our military is just another expensive, worthless government program. This country’s security resides in an armed populace. All the military is good for is empire-building and throwing Washington DC weight around. Don’t forget, the founders didn’t like a standing army.

As to religion, the 19th Century version of today’s complaint was “Let’s kick out all those papist Irish”. Religion is fine, but I prefer not to participate, thanks.

I do like morality, but don’t trust government with it, because everything government touches turns to shit.

9 years ago

I think that in terms of Constitutional Law this begs the question of: Do we even have legitimate governance in the US? The sad reality of it all is that we have and have had for quite some time now (decades) a rogue organization of loosely allied and self-serving career politicians and their protégés retaining/gaining positions traditionally held by duly elected representatives that were at least somewhat beholding to the fulfillment of their respective constitutional duties. Now, there’s not even any pretense of abiding by and honoring their sworn constitutional duties.

Worse still is that they gain and/or retain their “faux” positions because they have been allowed to do so by an intellectually lazy and self-absorbed American public that is more concerned about dinner and Monday Night Football than the fate of their nation. I really don’t enjoy having to say this but before we go blaming or pointing fingers at anyone or any group we all need to take a damn look in the mirror.

All the bitching and moaning in the world is not going to do anything but gain us admittance into more and increasingly painful slavery, both physical and spiritual. On a daily basis right at home (cause I can’t afford to even go anywhere anymore) I do what I can to resist and to engage people when I see them in conversation about this topic. Some listen, most become either disinterested or dismissive. Some even get a bit hostile, but you know what, I don’t back down, ever.

I don’t know if I’m a patriot or just stubborn but I know what I believe and more importantly, why I believe it. I have lost most every “friend” I ever had, and the love of my life (I thought) all because I refuse to be held accountable to a set of “laws” that those involved in their making aren’t even held accountable to. I cannot abide being forced to finance a system that works against my (and our, in my opinion) best interests.

The only reason we are in this mess is that we ALLOW it! Stop allowing it, stop paying for anything you don’t absolutely need, ESPECIALLY from the fascist/corporatist institutions like Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, etc. Barter, buy locally produced, organize a general strike, anything, just stop paying for what you say you don’t want, at the very least. Deprive the machine of the fuel it needs to run. Defeat this monster by starving it. We’re not going to “fix” or “reform” the system, we must force its collapse and start anew. It will eventually collapse under its own weight in time, but better a “controlled demolition” now than a meltdown later.

Throughout our history, like the term or not (hell, call it what you want) non-compliance is the only tool that effects long term change. In intent and later in action, that is exactly what The Declaration of Independence was all about, a declaration of non-compliance and disassociation. Otherwise they would have called it The Declaration of War, which in effect was what it became, but Britain became the aggressor, the bully, in that instance and the colonies then acted in self-defense. And no one likes, much less respects a bully.